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Complete List of BioCombination 28 Medicines

Discover the Benefits of Bio-Combination Remedies

Bio-Combination Number (BC)


Biocombination Indication

No. 1 (BC1) Calc. phos. 3X, Ferrum phos. 3X, Natrum mur. 6X, Kalium phos. 3X Anemia: Poor digestion, general wasting neurasthenia, mental, physical depression and worry. Yellow skin, palpitation.
No. 2 (BC2) Kali. Phos. 3X, Magn. 3X, Natr. Mur. 6X, Natr. Sulph. 3X Asthma: Bronchial asthma, dyspnoea (short breath) on going upstairs, dry tickling cough, spasmodic cough, whooping cough. Asthma with yellow expectoration aggravation in evening or worm weather and amelioration cold air.
No. 3 (BC3) Magn. Phos. 3X, Calc. Phos. 3X, Natr. Sulph. 3X, Ferrum phos. 3X Colic: with flatulence, colic due to inflammatory conditions, colic in children during teething or due to flatulence or constipation. Pain like convulsion.
No. 4 (BC4) Calc. fluor. 3X, Kali. Mur. 3X, Silicea 6X Constipation: Bowels constipated dry, hard, stool, dull headache, foul breath, coated tongue. Bitter taste in mouth.
No. 5 (BC5) Ferrum phos. 3X, Kali. Mur. 3X, Natr. Mur. 6X, Kali. Sulph. 3X Coryza: Inflammatory, febrile catarrhal condition, coryza with dull headache, sneezing, watery discharge. White coating on tongue.
No. 6 (BC6) Ferrum phos. 3X, Kali.mur. 3X, Magn. Phos. 3X, Natr. Mur. 6X, Natr. Sulph. 3X Cough, Cold and Catarrh: Indicated in acute inflammatory, febrile catarrhal conditions of cough, cold, headache. Difficulty in breathing, Chest pain, bronchitis, Cough with rattling sound of mucous.
No. 7 (BC7) Calc. phos. 3X, Ferrum phos. 3X, Kali. phos. 3X, Natr. Phos. 3X, Natr. Sulph. 3X Diabetes: It is indicated to relieve many conditions associated with diabetes. It helps better assimilation of glucose. Impaired kidney liver functions are improved. Profuse urination, Pain in calf Muscles, Intense thirst, dryness of lips, sleeplessness, nervous weakness.
No. 8 (BC8) Calc. phos. 3X, Ferrum phos. 3X, Kalium phos. 3X, Kali. Sulph. 3X, Natr. Sulph. 3X Diarrhoea: during dentition, thin watery, greenish stool, foul with undigested food. Stool with blood or yellow, loose morning stools which at times is involuntary while passing flatus.
No. 9 (BC9) Ferrum phos. 3X, Kali. Mur. 3X, Kali. Phos. 3X, Mag. Phos. 3X Dysentery: with mucus and blood. Crampy pain before or after defecation. Constant urging for defecation.
No. 10 (BC10) Calc. phos. 3X, Ferrum phos. 3X, Kali. Mur. 3X Enlarged Tonsils: Inflamed tonsils, follicular tonsillitis, painful with white coating or greyish white patches on tongue or tonsils, bad breath with loss or lowered appetite. Fever with backache or pain in extremities.
No. 11 (BC11) Ferrum phos. 3X, Kali. Mur. 3X, Kali. Sulph. 3X, Natr. Mur. 3X, Natr. Sulph. 3X Fever: Inflammatory conditions, chill generally covers all mild febrile conditions. Anti-pyretic. All types of fever, pneumonia, pleurisy.
No. 12 (BC12) Ferrum phos. 3X, Kali. Phos. 3X, Mag. Phos. 3X, Natr. mur. 3X Headache: due to sunheat, over-exertion, headache of students, vertigo, throbbing headache, nervous headache as a consequence to worries, sleeplessness and sluggish liver functions.
No. 13 (BC13) Calc. phos. 3X, Kali. Phos. 3X, Kali. Sulph. 3X, Natr. Mur. 3X Leucorrhoea: Discharge like white of eggs, acrid and watery. Indicated for general weakness of young girls with or without functional neuroses.
No. 14 (BC14) Ferrum phos. 3X, Kali. Mur. 3X, Kali. Sulph. 3X Measles: Sneezing and thin discharge from nose, eyes watery, throbbing headache, cough and fever. Effective in all stages of measles.
No. 15 (BC15) Calc. phos. 3X, Ferrum phos. 3X, Kali. Phos. 3X, Kali. Sulph. 3X, Mag. Phos. 3X Menstruation Troubles: Irregular menses, bright red if early, dark red if late, scanty in young girls, excessive in elder women, painful menstruation.
No. 16 (BC16) Calc. phos. 3X, Ferrum phos. 3X, Kali. Phos. 3X, Mag. Phos. 3X, Natr. Mur. 3X Nervous Exhaustion: Lassitude, depression, nervousness, irritability, hysteric behavior, loss of or impaired memory, confusion, sleeplessness, psychosomatic illnesses.
No. 17 (BC17) Calc. fluor. 3X, Ferrum phos. 3X, Kali. mur. 3X, Kali. Phos. 3X Piles: Bleeding haemorrhoids, fissures, backache, it helps in all kinds of piles.
No. 18 (BC18) Calc. fluor. 3X, Calc. sulph. 3X, Silicea 6X Pyorrhoea: Gum boil, unnatural looseness of the teeth, with or without pain, toothache, gums sensitive to cold, abscess at root of teeth, spongy bleeding gums, pus in gums and foul breath.
No. 19 (BC19) Ferrum phos. 3X, Kali. Sulph. 3X, Mag. Phos. 3X, Natr. Sulph. 3X Rheumatism: Articular and muscular rheumatism, inflammatory and febrile complaints, stiff neck, rheumatic pain in shoulders, shifting, wandering pains, twitching, cramps, writers and players cramps, cracking of joints, lumbago and sciatica.
No. 20 (BC20) Calc. Fluor. 6X, Calc. sulph. 6X, Kali. Sulph. 3X, Natr. Mur. 6X, Natr. Sulph. 3X Skin Diseases: Acne, cracks, whiltlow, eczema, eruptions on the scalp, seborrhoea, psoriasis, herpes.
No. 21 (BC21) Calc. phos. 3X, Ferrum phos. 3X Teething Troubles: Tardy dentition and troubles; cuts teeth easily, appetite and digestion are improved; builds the body. Irritability.
No. 22 (BC22) Calc. phos. 3X, Ferrum phos. 3X, Kali. Mur. 3X, Silicea 6X Scrofula: It almost covers all symptoms of both dry and suppurating scrophulous glandular abscesses.
No. 23 (BC23) Ferrum phos, 3X, Calc. fluor. 3X, Magn. phos. 3X Toothache: Neuralgic pain or toothache due to unnatural loosing of teeth. Gums bleeding, swollen. Strengthening teeth in their sockets.
No. 24 (BC24) Calc. phos. 3X, Ferrum phos. 3X, Kali. Phos. 3X, Mag. Phos. 3X, Natr. Phos. 3X Tonic - Nerves and Brain: The combined phosphates promote tissue building and provide the necessary nutrition to nerves, brain and bones. A general tonic for all chronically wasting diseases, anaemia, general debility and exhaustion with lack of vitality.
No. 25 (BC25) Natr. Phos. 3X, Natr. Sulph. 3X, Silicea 12X Acidity, Flatulence & Indigestion: Gastric disturbances, hyperacidity. Sour eructations, flatulence, flatulent colic dyspepsia, bilious vomiting, heart burn and jaundice.
No. 26 (BC26) Calc. fluor. 3X, Calc. phos. 3X, Kali. Phos. 3X, Mag. Phos 3X Easy Parturition: Relieves labour pain and facilitates easy delivery. Covers non-specific lower abdomen pain during pregnancy and anxiety states.
No. 27 (BC27) Calc. phos. 6X, Kali. Phos. 3X, Natr. Mur. 6X Lack of Vitality: Symptoms suggestive of impotence, depression of sexual instinct, lassitude, general debility, quick emission followed by trembling weakness and nervousness.
No. 28 (BC28) Calc phosp, Calc fluor, Calc sulph, Kali phosph, Kali mur, Kali sulph, Ferrum phosph, Mag phosph, Natrum phosph, Natrum mur, Natrum sulph, Silicea, In equal proportion. General Tonic: Overall Health Tonic. Helpful in consumption, debilitating diseases, for convalescents. It builds up entire system by providing necessary tissue nutrition, improves resistance to diseases, helps better utilization of food. The continuous use of these tablets will keep off diseases.
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