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How to recover faster after surgery with Homeopathy?

By Vasant Prabhu  •  0 comments  •   3 minute read

Natural remedies for healing after surgery

Whether you are recovering from a major abdominal surgery or a minor operation, you need natural remedies to overcome post operative distress safely without side effects. Homeopathy offers natural remedies for healing after surgery

Some of the most common surgical operations are

  • Appendectomy - a surgical operation to remove the appendix (for appendicitis). Complications after surgery may involve bleeding, wound infection
  • Breast biopsy - procedure to remove a sample of breast tissue for testing.Usually to test for fibroadenoma or solid breast lump
  • Carotid endarterectomy - a surgical procedure to remove a build-up of fatty deposits (plaque), which cause narrowing of a carotid artery. The primary complications of this surgical procedure are myocardial infarction and residual mild to severe neurologic deficit
  • Cataract surgery - procedure to remove/replace the lens of your eye. This surgical operation may involve risks like glare, halos, light sensitivity, blurry vision, floaters. Early detection and treatment can prevent cataract surgery
  • Cesarean section (also called a c-section) - surgical delivery of a baby through a cut (incision) made in the mother's abdomen and uterus. Common complication involves Hemorrhage during or after the surgical event
  • Cholecystectomy - surgical procedure to remove your gallbladder. Risk may involve deep vein thrombosis, wounds & infection
  • Coronary artery bypass - a surgical procedure used to treat coronary heart disease. Angina pectoris is a common symptom of this condition
  • Debridement of wound, burn, or infection - medical removal of dead, damaged, or infected tissue around wounds. Homeopathy can help accelerate cicatrization and wound healing
  • Joint Replacement - surgical procedure involving removing parts of an arthritic or damaged joint are removed and replaced with a metal, plastic or ceramic ones. Homeopathy for hip joint pain relief
  • Circumcision - common complications of male circumcision are bleeding and local infection
  • Broken Bone Repair - common type of fracture surgery involves internal fixation
  • Angioplasty and Atherectomy - a procedure used to open blocked coronary arteries
  • Hysterectomy - a surgical procedure to remove the womb (uterus)
  • Heart Bypass Surgery (Coronary Artery Bypass Graft) - a procedure taking a healthy blood vessel from your leg, arm or chest and connecting it below and above the blocked arteries in your heart. Homeopathy for heart blockage


What are some common postoperative discomforts?
  • Pain, during and right after surgery, especially after anaesthesia wears off Swelling - Arnica montana in either 30c or 200c, Arnica cream
  • Nausea and vomiting from general anesthesia. - Ipecacuanha 30c for heavy constant nausea even after vomiting, no thirst, dry cough
  • Sore throat (caused by the tube placed in the windpipe for breathing during surgery), this may cause dehydration or irritation in throat. Belladonna 30C for red throat, hot face
  • Soreness, pain, and swelling around the incision site (bruised feeling) -
  • Restlessness and sleeplessness - Rhus Tox 200C
  • Fatigue & Thirst. Acid Phos for that dull apathetic feeling, indifferent to everything. Bach flower remedy Olive for extreme physical and mental fatigue after much suffering. No more strength to make an effort. Daily life is an effort without pleasure
  • Constipation and gas (flatulence) - Lycopodium 200C + Plumb Met 200C
  • Appetite loss - homeopathic appetizers
  • Swelling of Gums after tooth extraction or dental operation - Give Arnica first, wait for a few hours, then give staphysagria (both in 30c or 200c). If pain persists, repeat
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