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Deafness homeopathic treatment
Dr.Reckeweg Biochemic Combination Tablets BC14 for Measles
Dr.Reckeweg Biochemic Combination Tablets BC17 for Piles, fissures, Hemorrhoids
Dr Reckeweg Biochemic Combination Tablets BC11 for Fever (Chill)
Dr.Reckeweg Biochemic Combination Tablets BC6 for Cough, Cold & Catarrh
Bico-41  biochemic tablet for mouth ulcers
Schwabe Biocombination BC5 Coryza Tablets for Sneezing, White Nasal discharge
Dr.Reckeweg Biochemic Combination Tablets BC5 for Coryza (Nasal Inflammation)
Dr.Vashisht Biocombination Bio Vas 5 (BC5), Ease nasal congestion
Dr Reckeweg Biochemic Combination Tablets BC10 for Tonsillitis
Dr Reckeweg Biochemic Combination Tablets BC22 for Scrofula (glandular swelling)
Dr.Reckeweg Biochemic Combination Tablets BC4 for Constipation
Allen A77 Homeopathy Drops, Emotional & Cognitive stress
Autism  Homeopathy Medicines
SBL Bio-Combination No 4 Tablets for Constipation
homeopathy REPL Dr Adv No 180 ulcerin drops
Dr Vashisht BC 22 Scrofula tablets homeopathy
SBL Bio-combination No 6 for Cough, Cold and Catarrh
 Measles treatment homeopathy medicines
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