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Squilla (Scilla) Homeopathy Mother Tincture

Rs. 110.00 Rs. 115.00
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Squilla (Scilla) Homeopathy Mother Tincture Q


  • Asthma, Bronchitis, Lung diseases, Ascites, Anasarca (generalized accumulation of fluid in whole body)
  • Allergic cough with sneezing
  • Action: Expectorant, stimulate, Diuretic
  • Contains: Anthocyanidin, Bufadienolides, Flavonoids, Mucilage
  • Squilla combines with achyranthes aspera, boerhavia diffusa, arjuna

What doctors recommend Squilla in homeopathy?

Dr Vikas Sharma recommends Squilla as helpful for cases in which there is watering from eyes, sneezing and cough. The cough can be dry or short rattling in cases needing it.

The cough disturbs sleep, one can feel the mucus in the trachea. Cough gets worse after eating and from any kind of exertion. Other than the above, it is indicated for managing diarrhea with watery and offensive stool.

It is best suited for cases of pleurisy with pain in the sides of the chest. This is usually felt on inhaling and coughing. Its worsening can also be seen in the morning. With this shortness of breath appears. This is felt from every exertion.

Dr Santosh Padhy says characteristic symptom of using Squilla is involuntary spurting of urine with cough & sneezing. Also for, polyurea, bronchitis, coryza.

Dr KS Gopi recommends Squilla Mar. 3X for cough with pain in the spleen under the left free ribs

Squilla Mar. 30 - Cold hands and cold , sore feet from standing too long. Soreness of feet from long standing like that of sales girls, who have to stand at the sales counter  for long hours

About Patient Profile of Squilla (Scilla)

Eyes.-Feel irritable; child bores into them with fists. Sensation as if swimming in cold water.

Stomach.-Pressure like a stone.

Respiratory.-Fluent coryza; margins of nostrils feel sore. Sneezing; throat irritated; short, dry cough; must take a deep breath. Dyspnśa and stitches in chest, and painful contraction of abdominal muscles. Violent, furious, exhausting cough, with much mucus; profuse, salty, slimy expectoration, and with involuntary spurting of urine and sneezing. Child rubs face with fist during cough (Caust; Puls). Cough provoked by taking a deep breath or cold drinks, from exertion, change from warm to cold air. Cough of measles. Frequent calls to urinate at night, passing large quantities (Phos ac). Sneezing with coughing.

Heart.-A cardiac stimulant affecting the peripheral vessels and coronary arteries.

Urinary.-Great urging; much watery urine. Involuntary spurting of urine when coughing (Caustic; Puls).

Skin.-Small, red spots over body, with prickling pain.

Extremities.-Icy cold hands and feet, with warmth of the rest of the body (Menyanthes). Feet get sore from standing. Tender feet with shop girls.

Modalities.-Better, rest; worse, motion.

Relationship.-Compare: Digit; Strophant; Apocyn can; Bry; Kali carb. Squilla follows Digitalis, if this fails to relieve water-logged cases.

Dose.-First to third potency.

Squilla (Scilla) Homeopathy Mother Tincture is available in SBL, Schwabe, Others (Homeomart, Hahnemann, Similia, Medisynth, St George). When you choose 'Others' one of the 3 brands medicine will be sent subject to availability of these brands. All sealed units.


Schwabe Squilla (Scilla) Homeopathy Mother Tincture Q

Squilla (Scilla) Homeopathy Mother Tincture

From Rs. 110.00 Rs. 115.00

Squilla (Scilla) Homeopathy Mother Tincture Q


What doctors recommend Squilla in homeopathy?

Dr Vikas Sharma recommends Squilla as helpful for cases in which there is watering from eyes, sneezing and cough. The cough can be dry or short rattling in cases needing it.

The cough disturbs sleep, one can feel the mucus in the trachea. Cough gets worse after eating and from any kind of exertion. Other than the above, it is indicated for managing diarrhea with watery and offensive stool.

It is best suited for cases of pleurisy with pain in the sides of the chest. This is usually felt on inhaling and coughing. Its worsening can also be seen in the morning. With this shortness of breath appears. This is felt from every exertion.

Dr Santosh Padhy says characteristic symptom of using Squilla is involuntary spurting of urine with cough & sneezing. Also for, polyurea, bronchitis, coryza.

Dr KS Gopi recommends Squilla Mar. 3X for cough with pain in the spleen under the left free ribs

Squilla Mar. 30 - Cold hands and cold , sore feet from standing too long. Soreness of feet from long standing like that of sales girls, who have to stand at the sales counter  for long hours

About Patient Profile of Squilla (Scilla)

Eyes.-Feel irritable; child bores into them with fists. Sensation as if swimming in cold water.

Stomach.-Pressure like a stone.

Respiratory.-Fluent coryza; margins of nostrils feel sore. Sneezing; throat irritated; short, dry cough; must take a deep breath. Dyspnśa and stitches in chest, and painful contraction of abdominal muscles. Violent, furious, exhausting cough, with much mucus; profuse, salty, slimy expectoration, and with involuntary spurting of urine and sneezing. Child rubs face with fist during cough (Caust; Puls). Cough provoked by taking a deep breath or cold drinks, from exertion, change from warm to cold air. Cough of measles. Frequent calls to urinate at night, passing large quantities (Phos ac). Sneezing with coughing.

Heart.-A cardiac stimulant affecting the peripheral vessels and coronary arteries.

Urinary.-Great urging; much watery urine. Involuntary spurting of urine when coughing (Caustic; Puls).

Skin.-Small, red spots over body, with prickling pain.

Extremities.-Icy cold hands and feet, with warmth of the rest of the body (Menyanthes). Feet get sore from standing. Tender feet with shop girls.

Modalities.-Better, rest; worse, motion.

Relationship.-Compare: Digit; Strophant; Apocyn can; Bry; Kali carb. Squilla follows Digitalis, if this fails to relieve water-logged cases.

Dose.-First to third potency.

Squilla (Scilla) Homeopathy Mother Tincture is available in SBL, Schwabe, Others (Homeomart, Hahnemann, Similia, Medisynth, St George). When you choose 'Others' one of the 3 brands medicine will be sent subject to availability of these brands. All sealed units.



  • Others
  • Schwabe


  • 30ml
  • 100ml
  • 5*100ml (pound pack)
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