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Phosphorus Homeopathy Dilution 6C, 30C, 200C, 1M, 10M

Rs. 95.00 Rs. 100.00
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About Phosphorus Homeopathy Dilution

This homeopathic medicine is prepared by trituration of red amorphous phosphorus

It is used for treating a large variety of disease conditions without any side effects like anxiety, fears, hair fall, dandruff, cough, bronchitis, pneumonia, nose bleeding, gastritis, glaucoma, hoarse voice and excessive menstrual bleeding.  Know the medicine characteristics, drug benefits, medicine types etc in compendium here 

Phosphorus Medicine Characteristics

  • Suited to nervous  and sensitive  young people, who grow too rapidly and tend to stoop
  • It has a marked action on mind, spinal cord and nerves. 
  • Its second action is on mucous membranes where it helps to manage irritation, inflammation and degeneration.
  • It also acts upon bones and aids slowing down of bone destruction, especially the lower jaw and tibia.
  • it has significant action on the blood and blood vessels and acts as a great anti-haemorrhagic medicine that helps stop bleeding.

Caution: Inimical medicine is Causticum and should not be used before or after it.

Antidotes are Coffea Cruda, Mezereum, Nux Vomica and Terebinthina and can be used to neutralize the action of Phosphorus.

What doctors recommend Phosphorus for?

Dr Gopi recommends Phosphorus for 

Phosphorus 30 is the effective remedy remedy when cold drinks or cold water seems to provide temporary relief from burning in chest and abdomen (heartburn from acid reflux) . There may be sour belching after eating. Vomiting also appears, but not immediately after drinking

Phosphorus 30 is the top remedy for dry hair especially at roots. Phosphorus is also a remedy of great help when due to extreme dry hair at roots, there is a lot of hair fall.

Phosphorus 200 is the best remedy for disc bulge when when burning in spine accompanies the other symptoms, including backache. The most important indication for using Phosphorus is lower backache that worsens when rising from a stooping posture

Phosphorus 30 is used to treat for Necrosis (death of body tissues)

Dr Vikas Sharma recommends Phosphorus for 

Hair fall and Dandruff - It is known to be highly effective to treat cases of hair fall. People needing it have excessive hair fall in large bunches. Works well in alopecia areata, premature greying

Nasal complaints like chronic cold, nasal bleeding (epistaxis) and bleeding polyps.

Eye problems improving vision in glaucoma cases, prevent further progression of cataract, beneficial to treat floating spots before eyes (muscae volitantes)

Used when gums are inflamed (gingivitis) or  bleeding appears from gums

It helps cases of gastritis and stomach ulcers. It works effectively to reduce the inflammation of the stomach and heal the ulcers.

It treats a number of respiratory complaints mainly including cough, bronchitis, pneumonia

A top grade medicine to reduce inflammation of larynx (voice box) and improve hoarseness of voice.

For liver disorders including hepatitis (inflammation of liver), enlargement of liver, fatty liver and cirrhosis

Dr Jyoti says Polychrest deep acting medicine – Anemia, Asthma, Joints, all types of fever, headache, fatty liver degeneration, lung affection, ulcers, etc

Pancreatitis: Phosphorus is prominent homeopathic medicine for pancreatitis with prominent greasy, oily stool. Other attending features include sensitivity in the abdomen which is painful to touch, abdominal distension and incarcerated flatus. Jaundice may also be present. There is vomiting of food, sour matter or of white or yellow bitter substance. The stools are profuse and mixed with lumps of white mucus.

Phosphorus as per Boericke Materia Medica

Phosphorus irritates, inflames and degenerates mucous membranes, irritates and inflames serous membranes, inflames spinal cord and nerves, causing paralysis, destroys bone, especially the lower jaw and tibia; disorganizes the blood, causing fatty degeneration of blood vessels and every tissue and organ of the body and thus gives rise to hæmorrhages, and hæmatogenous jaundice.

Produces a picture of destructive metabolism. Causes yellow atrophy of the liver and sub-acute hepatitis. Tall, slender persons, narrow chested, with thin, transparent skin, weakened by loss of animal fluids, with great nervous debility, emaciation, amative tendencies, seem to be under the special influence of Phosphorus. Great susceptibility to external impressions, to light, sound, odors, touch, electrical changes, thunder-storms. Suddenness of symptoms, sudden prostration, faints, sweats, shooting pains, etc. Polycythemia. Blood extravasations; fatty degenerations, cirrhosis, caries, are pathological states often calling for Phosphorus. Muscular pseudo-hypertrophy, neuritis. Inflammation of the respiratory tract. Paralytic symptoms. Ill effects of iodine and excessive use of salt; worse, lying on left side. Tertiary syphilis, skin lesions, and nervous debility. Scurvy. Pseudo-hypertrophic paralysis. Ataxia and adynamia. Osteo myelitis. Bone fragility.

Mind.--Great lowness of spirits. Easily vexed.

Head.--Vertigo of the aged,

Eyes.—Cataract, Degenerative changes, Retinal trouble

Face.--Pale, sickly complexion; blue rings under eyes.

Mouth.--Swelled and easily bleeding gums, ulcerated

Stomach.--Hunger soon after eating. Sour taste and sour eructations after every meal.

Male.--Lack of power. Irresistible desire; involuntary emissions, with lascivious dreams.

Female.--Metritis. Chlorosis. Phlebitis. Fistulous tracks after mammary abscess

Phosphorus Homeopathy Dilution 6C, 30C, 200C, 1M, 10M

Phosphorus Homeopathy Dilution 6C, 30C, 200C, 1M, 10M

From Rs. 85.00

About Phosphorus Homeopathy Dilution

This homeopathic medicine is prepared by trituration of red amorphous phosphorus

It is used for treating a large variety of disease conditions without any side effects like anxiety, fears, hair fall, dandruff, cough, bronchitis, pneumonia, nose bleeding, gastritis, glaucoma, hoarse voice and excessive menstrual bleeding.  Know the medicine characteristics, drug benefits, medicine types etc in compendium here 

Phosphorus Medicine Characteristics

Caution: Inimical medicine is Causticum and should not be used before or after it.

Antidotes are Coffea Cruda, Mezereum, Nux Vomica and Terebinthina and can be used to neutralize the action of Phosphorus.

What doctors recommend Phosphorus for?

Dr Gopi recommends Phosphorus for 

Phosphorus 30 is the effective remedy remedy when cold drinks or cold water seems to provide temporary relief from burning in chest and abdomen (heartburn from acid reflux) . There may be sour belching after eating. Vomiting also appears, but not immediately after drinking

Phosphorus 30 is the top remedy for dry hair especially at roots. Phosphorus is also a remedy of great help when due to extreme dry hair at roots, there is a lot of hair fall.

Phosphorus 200 is the best remedy for disc bulge when when burning in spine accompanies the other symptoms, including backache. The most important indication for using Phosphorus is lower backache that worsens when rising from a stooping posture

Phosphorus 30 is used to treat for Necrosis (death of body tissues)

Dr Vikas Sharma recommends Phosphorus for 

Hair fall and Dandruff - It is known to be highly effective to treat cases of hair fall. People needing it have excessive hair fall in large bunches. Works well in alopecia areata, premature greying

Nasal complaints like chronic cold, nasal bleeding (epistaxis) and bleeding polyps.

Eye problems improving vision in glaucoma cases, prevent further progression of cataract, beneficial to treat floating spots before eyes (muscae volitantes)

Used when gums are inflamed (gingivitis) or  bleeding appears from gums

It helps cases of gastritis and stomach ulcers. It works effectively to reduce the inflammation of the stomach and heal the ulcers.

It treats a number of respiratory complaints mainly including cough, bronchitis, pneumonia

A top grade medicine to reduce inflammation of larynx (voice box) and improve hoarseness of voice.

For liver disorders including hepatitis (inflammation of liver), enlargement of liver, fatty liver and cirrhosis

Dr Jyoti says Polychrest deep acting medicine – Anemia, Asthma, Joints, all types of fever, headache, fatty liver degeneration, lung affection, ulcers, etc

Pancreatitis: Phosphorus is prominent homeopathic medicine for pancreatitis with prominent greasy, oily stool. Other attending features include sensitivity in the abdomen which is painful to touch, abdominal distension and incarcerated flatus. Jaundice may also be present. There is vomiting of food, sour matter or of white or yellow bitter substance. The stools are profuse and mixed with lumps of white mucus.

Phosphorus as per Boericke Materia Medica

Phosphorus irritates, inflames and degenerates mucous membranes, irritates and inflames serous membranes, inflames spinal cord and nerves, causing paralysis, destroys bone, especially the lower jaw and tibia; disorganizes the blood, causing fatty degeneration of blood vessels and every tissue and organ of the body and thus gives rise to hæmorrhages, and hæmatogenous jaundice.

Produces a picture of destructive metabolism. Causes yellow atrophy of the liver and sub-acute hepatitis. Tall, slender persons, narrow chested, with thin, transparent skin, weakened by loss of animal fluids, with great nervous debility, emaciation, amative tendencies, seem to be under the special influence of Phosphorus. Great susceptibility to external impressions, to light, sound, odors, touch, electrical changes, thunder-storms. Suddenness of symptoms, sudden prostration, faints, sweats, shooting pains, etc. Polycythemia. Blood extravasations; fatty degenerations, cirrhosis, caries, are pathological states often calling for Phosphorus. Muscular pseudo-hypertrophy, neuritis. Inflammation of the respiratory tract. Paralytic symptoms. Ill effects of iodine and excessive use of salt; worse, lying on left side. Tertiary syphilis, skin lesions, and nervous debility. Scurvy. Pseudo-hypertrophic paralysis. Ataxia and adynamia. Osteo myelitis. Bone fragility.

Mind.--Great lowness of spirits. Easily vexed.

Head.--Vertigo of the aged,

Eyes.—Cataract, Degenerative changes, Retinal trouble

Face.--Pale, sickly complexion; blue rings under eyes.

Mouth.--Swelled and easily bleeding gums, ulcerated

Stomach.--Hunger soon after eating. Sour taste and sour eructations after every meal.

Male.--Lack of power. Irresistible desire; involuntary emissions, with lascivious dreams.

Female.--Metritis. Chlorosis. Phlebitis. Fistulous tracks after mammary abscess

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  • 10 ML 10M
  • 10 ML 50M
  • 10 ML CM
  • 30 ML 6C
  • 30 ML 30C
  • 30 ML 200C
  • 30 ML 1M
  • 100 ML 6C
  • 100 ML 30C
  • 100 ML 200C
  • 100 ML 1M
  • 5*100 ML (pound pack) 6C
  • 5*100 ML (pound pack) 30C
  • 5*100 ML (pound pack) 200C
  • 5*100 ML (pound pack) 1M
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