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German Myristica Homeopathy Sebifera Dilution 6C, 30C, 200C, 1M, 10M, CM

Rs. 135.00

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Bangalore, Metro cities: 1-3 business days, South India: 4-5 business days, North India: 5-7 business days, North east: 5-12 business days

Outside India: 5-10 business days

About Myristica Sebifera Homeopathy Dilution:

Also known as Virola Sebifera

Abscess  This medicine is prepared from plant Myristica Sebifera. This plant belongs to the family myristicaceae. It is a general medicine for treating abscess formed in various parts of the body. It is very effective to speed up the recovery in abscess cases and often prevent the need of surgical intervention. Myristica has strong antiseptic properties and works well to treat abscesses and carbuncles. It is used extensively to avoid surgery for boils, and it hastens the suppuration process.

Apart from Pilonidal Cysts, Myristica works wonders in treating suppurative diseases like boils, abscess, carbuncles, anal fistula, and Whitlow.

Boils  It is a very useful medicine to help cases of boils. In these cases it works to aid quick recovery by hastening the process of pus formation. Surgical intervention is often prevented by timely use of this medicine in these cases.

Pus around nails  It is a great medicine for cases where pus has formed around the nails. In such cases it helps to speed up the recovery and resolve the infection in a short time. People who need it have pus collected around their nails. They also have pain and swelling in this region. Pain in finger nails is also there.

Abscess in Axilla (also, armpit, underarm or oxter). It is a top grade medicine for treating tendency of recurrent abscess in axilla. It has a marvelous tendency to treat several medical conditions where pus formation occurs. It is effective for both cases including acute where the abscess are present currently or where chronic tendency to have recurrent abscess is present. It hastens the recovery process in abscess cases and often prevents the need of surgical intervention in these cases. It also helps in removing the tendency where abscess forms again and again.

For Ingrown Toenail with Pus Discharge  his remedy is a great antiseptic and has great efficacy in treating ulcerative and suppurative (pus forming) conditions of cellular tissue and periosteum. Myristica Sebifera quickens the process of suppuration and shortens the period

Anal Abscess Myristica helps bring about speedy recovery from an anal abscess due to its tendency to hasten the suppurative process. It helps shorten the recovery period and resolve the problem quickly. Apart from an anal abscess, Myristica is also a top listed medicine for the treatment of anal fistula.

Anal fistula: This remedy works wonders in absorbing the pus and in healing anal fistula. Use of this medicine often prevents the need for surgery in anal fistula cases.

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