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Spigelia Mother Tincture Q

Rs. 510.00 Rs. 515.00
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About Spigelia Mother Tincture Q

Mother Tinctures are the starting point for dilutions. Authenticity of the raw materials, age, collection, cleaning and drying methods, basic percentage of active ingredients, the quality of alcohol and water, and the percentage used, method used (Percolation or Maceration), the strength of phytochemicals, filteration, bacterial counts are some of the important factors responsible for good quality mother tinctures. These are meticulously followed at Schwabe India, and the distilled and filtered mother tinctures are stored in rooms fitted with expensive explosion resistant and flame-proof electrical fittings of proper intensities to avoid any accident and protect the phytochemicals content in the tinctures. For Details about Acidum Phosphoricum Q, please refer Boericke’s Materia Medica.

Spigelia Mother Tincture is a homeopathic medicine which comprises of genuine raw materials which keeps it free from impurities. It helps in treating palpitation and reduces pain caused due to migraine.


Spigelia is an important remedy in pericarditis and other diseases of the heart, because the provings were conducted with the greatest regard for objective symptoms and the subjective symptoms are by innumerable confirmations proved to be correct (C. Hering).

Has marked elective affinity for the eye, heart, and nervous system. Neuralgia of the fifth nerve is very prominent in its effects. Is especially adapted to anæmic, debilitated, rheumatic, and scrofulous subjects. Stabbing pains. Heart affections and neuralgia. Very sensitive to touch. Parts feel chilly; send shudder through frame. A remedy for symptoms due to the presence of worms. Child refers to the navel as the most painful part (Granat; Nux mosch).

Mind-Afraid of sharp, pointed things, pins, needles, etc.

Head-Pain beneath frontal eminence and temples, extending to eyes (Onos). Semi-lateral, involving left eye; pain violent, throbbing; worse, making a false step. Pain as if a band around head (Carbol ac; Cact; Gels). Vertigo, hearing exalted.

Eyes-Feel too large; pressive pain on turning them. Pupils dilated; photophobia; rheumatic ophthalmia. Severe pain in and around eyes, extending deep into socket. Ciliary neuralgia, a true neuritis.

Nose-Forepart of nose always dry; discharge through posterior nares chronic catarrh, with post-nasal dropping of bland mucus.

Mouth-Tongue fissured, painful. Tearing toothache; worse, after eating and cold. Foul odor from mouth. Offensive taste.

Face-Prosopalgia, involving eye, zygoma, cheek, teeth, temple, worse, stooping, touch, from morning until sunset.

Heart-Violent palpitation. Præcordial pain and great aggravation from movement. Frequent attacks of palpitation, especially with foul odor from mouth. Pulse weak and irregular. Pericarditis, with sticking pains, palpitation, dyspnœa. Neuralgia extending to arm or both arms. Angina pectoris. Craving for hot water which relieves. Rheumatic carditis, trembling pulse; whole left side sore. Dyspnœa; must lie on right side with head high.

Spigelia Homeopathy Mother Tincture is available in SBL, Schwabe, Others (Homeomart, Hahnemann, Similia, Medisynth). When you choose 'Others' one of the 3 brands medicine will be sent subject to availability of these brands. All sealed units.

Adel Spigelia  Homeopathy Mother Tincture Q

Spigelia Mother Tincture Q

From Rs. 490.00 Rs. 510.00

About Spigelia Mother Tincture Q

Mother Tinctures are the starting point for dilutions. Authenticity of the raw materials, age, collection, cleaning and drying methods, basic percentage of active ingredients, the quality of alcohol and water, and the percentage used, method used (Percolation or Maceration), the strength of phytochemicals, filteration, bacterial counts are some of the important factors responsible for good quality mother tinctures. These are meticulously followed at Schwabe India, and the distilled and filtered mother tinctures are stored in rooms fitted with expensive explosion resistant and flame-proof electrical fittings of proper intensities to avoid any accident and protect the phytochemicals content in the tinctures. For Details about Acidum Phosphoricum Q, please refer Boericke’s Materia Medica.

Spigelia Mother Tincture is a homeopathic medicine which comprises of genuine raw materials which keeps it free from impurities. It helps in treating palpitation and reduces pain caused due to migraine.


Spigelia is an important remedy in pericarditis and other diseases of the heart, because the provings were conducted with the greatest regard for objective symptoms and the subjective symptoms are by innumerable confirmations proved to be correct (C. Hering).

Has marked elective affinity for the eye, heart, and nervous system. Neuralgia of the fifth nerve is very prominent in its effects. Is especially adapted to anæmic, debilitated, rheumatic, and scrofulous subjects. Stabbing pains. Heart affections and neuralgia. Very sensitive to touch. Parts feel chilly; send shudder through frame. A remedy for symptoms due to the presence of worms. Child refers to the navel as the most painful part (Granat; Nux mosch).

Mind-Afraid of sharp, pointed things, pins, needles, etc.

Head-Pain beneath frontal eminence and temples, extending to eyes (Onos). Semi-lateral, involving left eye; pain violent, throbbing; worse, making a false step. Pain as if a band around head (Carbol ac; Cact; Gels). Vertigo, hearing exalted.

Eyes-Feel too large; pressive pain on turning them. Pupils dilated; photophobia; rheumatic ophthalmia. Severe pain in and around eyes, extending deep into socket. Ciliary neuralgia, a true neuritis.

Nose-Forepart of nose always dry; discharge through posterior nares chronic catarrh, with post-nasal dropping of bland mucus.

Mouth-Tongue fissured, painful. Tearing toothache; worse, after eating and cold. Foul odor from mouth. Offensive taste.

Face-Prosopalgia, involving eye, zygoma, cheek, teeth, temple, worse, stooping, touch, from morning until sunset.

Heart-Violent palpitation. Præcordial pain and great aggravation from movement. Frequent attacks of palpitation, especially with foul odor from mouth. Pulse weak and irregular. Pericarditis, with sticking pains, palpitation, dyspnœa. Neuralgia extending to arm or both arms. Angina pectoris. Craving for hot water which relieves. Rheumatic carditis, trembling pulse; whole left side sore. Dyspnœa; must lie on right side with head high.

Spigelia Homeopathy Mother Tincture is available in SBL, Schwabe, Others (Homeomart, Hahnemann, Similia, Medisynth). When you choose 'Others' one of the 3 brands medicine will be sent subject to availability of these brands. All sealed units.


  • Schwabe
  • Others


  • 30ml
  • 100ml
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