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Sambucus Canadensis Mother Tincture Q

Rs. 360.00 Rs. 365.00
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About Sambucus Canadensis Mother Tincture Q

Sambucus Canadensis Mother Tincture Q is a homoeopathic medicine which is useful in treating respiratory and urinary disorders. Formulated with Sambucus Canadensis, which is also known as the common elderberry it has various health benefits. It is also useful in treating rheumatic pain in the limbs. Palpitations and congestion in the chest can also be relieved by its use.

Sambucus Canadensis Patient Profile

Mind: Dread of undefined danger. Depressed all the time. Mental exertion.

Head: Head heavy always. Confused all the time. Drawing and darting pain in head. Severe drawing in head with fullness motion. Sensation as if water were undulating in it.

Face: Face flushed and broken out in blotches. Face looks ill.

Mouth: Mouth parched and dry. Desire for drink always.

Throat: Pharynx and larynx felt dry and swollen with impeding free respiration.

Urinary Organs: Frequent urination. Urine albuminous. Pressure in kidney region, followed by profuse flow of clear urine.

Respiratory Organs: Breathing laboured, asthmatic with wheezing. Had to sit up in bed to get breath.

Chest: Palpitation. Aroused from sleep by a terrible constriction of chest and heart, had to jump out of bed to get breath; could not lie down for fear of choking. Heaviness and constriction in chest, as from a heavy load.

Heart: Constriction of chest and heart; must jump out of bed, lying down choking. Heart labours heavily. Pulse rise to 100, but became normal at end of perspiration. Sharp pain in heart with palpitation, at times visible through the clothes.

Back: Pain in lumbar region. Back felt sprained.

Limbs: Sharp and darting rheumatic pains in hands and feet.

Generalities: Symptoms worse by sweat.

Fever: Sweat become profuse, which gradually worse all other symptoms. Head perspired less than rest of body.

Dosage: Please note that the dosage of single homoeopathic medicine varies from drug to drug depending upon the condition, age sensitivity and other things, In some cases they are give as regular doses as 3-5 drops 2-3 times a day whereas in other cases they are given only once in a week, month or even in a long period. We strongly recommend that the medication should be taken as per the physician’s advice.

Sambucus Canadensis as per HOMŒOPATHIC MATERIA MEDICA

Is a right-sided remedy pre-eminently, and affects chiefly the mucous membranes, especially of the respiratory tract. It has marked vaso-motor disturbances, as seen in the circumscribed redness of the cheeks, flashes of heat, determination of blood to head and chest, distention of temporal veins, burning in palms and soles, and has been found very applicable to climacteric disorders. Burning sensations, like from hot water. Influenzal coughs. Phthisis. Sudden stopping of catarrh of respiratory tract followed by diarrhœa. Burning in various parts is characteristic.

Head-Worse right side, sun headache. Periodical sick headache; pain begins in occiput, spreads upwards, and settles over eyes, especially right. Veins and temples are distended. Pain better lying down and sleep. Headaches return at climacteric; every seventh day (Sulph; Sabad). Pain in small spot over upper left parietal bone. Burning in eyes. Pain in the back of head "like a flash of lightning".

Face-Flushed. Neuralgia; pain extends in all directions from upper jaw. Redness and burning of cheeks. Hectic flush. Fullness and tenderness behind angle of jaws.

Nose-Hay-fever. Ozæna, with profuse, offensive yellowish discharges. Nasal polypi. Coryza, followed by diarrhœa. Chronic rhinitis; membrane dry and congested.

Ears-Burning in ears. Earache with headache. Humming and roaring. Aural polypus.

Throat-Swollen; worse, right side. Dry and constricted. Ulceration of mouth and fauces, with dry, burning sensation Tongue white; feels scalded. Tonsillitis.

Sambucus Canadensis Homeopathy Mother Tincture is available in SBL, Schwabe, Others (Homeomart, Hahnemann, Similia, Medisynth). When you choose 'Others' one of the 3 brands medicine will be sent subject to availability of these brands. All sealed units.

SBL Sambucus Canadensis Homeopathy Mother Tincture Q

Sambucus Canadensis Mother Tincture Q

From Rs. 331.00 Rs. 345.00

About Sambucus Canadensis Mother Tincture Q

Sambucus Canadensis Mother Tincture Q is a homoeopathic medicine which is useful in treating respiratory and urinary disorders. Formulated with Sambucus Canadensis, which is also known as the common elderberry it has various health benefits. It is also useful in treating rheumatic pain in the limbs. Palpitations and congestion in the chest can also be relieved by its use.

Sambucus Canadensis Patient Profile

Mind: Dread of undefined danger. Depressed all the time. Mental exertion.

Head: Head heavy always. Confused all the time. Drawing and darting pain in head. Severe drawing in head with fullness motion. Sensation as if water were undulating in it.

Face: Face flushed and broken out in blotches. Face looks ill.

Mouth: Mouth parched and dry. Desire for drink always.

Throat: Pharynx and larynx felt dry and swollen with impeding free respiration.

Urinary Organs: Frequent urination. Urine albuminous. Pressure in kidney region, followed by profuse flow of clear urine.

Respiratory Organs: Breathing laboured, asthmatic with wheezing. Had to sit up in bed to get breath.

Chest: Palpitation. Aroused from sleep by a terrible constriction of chest and heart, had to jump out of bed to get breath; could not lie down for fear of choking. Heaviness and constriction in chest, as from a heavy load.

Heart: Constriction of chest and heart; must jump out of bed, lying down choking. Heart labours heavily. Pulse rise to 100, but became normal at end of perspiration. Sharp pain in heart with palpitation, at times visible through the clothes.

Back: Pain in lumbar region. Back felt sprained.

Limbs: Sharp and darting rheumatic pains in hands and feet.

Generalities: Symptoms worse by sweat.

Fever: Sweat become profuse, which gradually worse all other symptoms. Head perspired less than rest of body.

Dosage: Please note that the dosage of single homoeopathic medicine varies from drug to drug depending upon the condition, age sensitivity and other things, In some cases they are give as regular doses as 3-5 drops 2-3 times a day whereas in other cases they are given only once in a week, month or even in a long period. We strongly recommend that the medication should be taken as per the physician’s advice.

Sambucus Canadensis as per HOMŒOPATHIC MATERIA MEDICA

Is a right-sided remedy pre-eminently, and affects chiefly the mucous membranes, especially of the respiratory tract. It has marked vaso-motor disturbances, as seen in the circumscribed redness of the cheeks, flashes of heat, determination of blood to head and chest, distention of temporal veins, burning in palms and soles, and has been found very applicable to climacteric disorders. Burning sensations, like from hot water. Influenzal coughs. Phthisis. Sudden stopping of catarrh of respiratory tract followed by diarrhœa. Burning in various parts is characteristic.

Head-Worse right side, sun headache. Periodical sick headache; pain begins in occiput, spreads upwards, and settles over eyes, especially right. Veins and temples are distended. Pain better lying down and sleep. Headaches return at climacteric; every seventh day (Sulph; Sabad). Pain in small spot over upper left parietal bone. Burning in eyes. Pain in the back of head "like a flash of lightning".

Face-Flushed. Neuralgia; pain extends in all directions from upper jaw. Redness and burning of cheeks. Hectic flush. Fullness and tenderness behind angle of jaws.

Nose-Hay-fever. Ozæna, with profuse, offensive yellowish discharges. Nasal polypi. Coryza, followed by diarrhœa. Chronic rhinitis; membrane dry and congested.

Ears-Burning in ears. Earache with headache. Humming and roaring. Aural polypus.

Throat-Swollen; worse, right side. Dry and constricted. Ulceration of mouth and fauces, with dry, burning sensation Tongue white; feels scalded. Tonsillitis.

Sambucus Canadensis Homeopathy Mother Tincture is available in SBL, Schwabe, Others (Homeomart, Hahnemann, Similia, Medisynth). When you choose 'Others' one of the 3 brands medicine will be sent subject to availability of these brands. All sealed units.


  • SBL
  • Others


  • 30ml
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