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Phosphorus LM Potency Dilution

Rs. 45.00
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For Burning pains, sensitivity, vertigo, vomiting, piles, Bleeding

Clinical Indications of Phosphorus:

Complaints from electric changes in the atmosphere; violent palpitations, working under a bright light cause complaint indicates Phosphorus.

Burning pains are observed everywhere, which is characteristic of this remedy and is sensitive to cold.

Craving for cold things, ice cream, which agrees, or cold water, which is thrown up as it gets warm in the stomach indicates phosphorus.

Phosphorus has been very useful in weak, relaxed conditions of the joints following sprains, Tearing, boring pains, especially at night with necrosis.

The Phosphorus patient is very sensitive to all external impressions; slight odors, noises, touch.

Glandular swellings,  abscesses, fistulous openings

Patient Profile: Phosphorus LM potency medicine

Mind and head

The mind may be overactive or may be extremely passive with loss of memory.

Irritability of mind and body and great prostration of mind after slight mental effort, and of the body after slight physical exertion.

Trembling of the whole body with fear is relieved with this Phosphorus. Brain-fag from mental overwork.

Vertigo when in the open air; vertigo after eating; vertigo in the evening indicates Phosphorus.

Heaviness and confusion in the head and thing go round; great weakness of the head.

The headaches are ameliorated from cold and worse from heat, worse from motion, and better from rest.

Eyes, ear, nose

Burning, redness, congestion, enlargement of the blood-vessels of the eye indicates Phosphorus.

The eyelids twitch and tremble; swelling of the eyelids; dropsical swelling of the eyelids; great darkness around the eyes; great circles around the eyes.

Inability to understand the articulations of the human voice. Hearing is difficult.

Violent itching in the ears; congestion of the external ear; itching, tearing, throbbing, burning pains is relieved with Phosphorus.

painful dryness in the nose; constant sneezing and running from the nose of bloody water.

Frequent blowing of blood from the nose,swelling of the nose, redness and very sensitive to touch, polyps is relieved with Phosphorus.

Mouth and Throat

Phosphorus is useful in swollen, oedematous face; puffed under the eyes, bloated face, worse from talking and from eating

Jerking, tearing pains in the teeth. The pains of the teeth are often ameliorated by warmth

Parched, dry and bleeding lips, Inflammation of the parotid gland, especially when it suppurates or there are fistulous openings is relieved with Phosphorus.

Dryness of the mouth and throat, roughness, rawness, excoriation, bleeding, and inflammation of the tonsils.

Hoarseness and loss of voice; great dryness in the larynx and all of the air passages,  suffocation; dyspnoea.

Stomach and Abdomen

In Phosphorus there is violent hunger and very soon after eating the hunger returns again.

In acute and chronic complaints there is violent thirst; thirst for ice-cold drinks.

Vomiting on as soon as the water becomes warm in the stomach indicates Phosphorus.

The complaints are ameliorated by eating with Constant nausea.

Pressing pains, burning pains, tearing pains in the stomach; pain in the stomach after eating

Phosphorus is useful in Congestion of the liver, fullness, pain, hardness, fatty degeneration of the liver.

Sensation of emptiness in the abdomen

Flatulence; colic; rending, tearing, cutting pains throughout the abdomen is relieved with phosphorus.

Stool and Rectum

Burning in the rectum during stool. Protrusion of the rectum, protrusion of the piles is relieved with Phosphorus.

Sharp, stitching pains from the coccyx up the spine that occurs during stool.

After stool painful cramps in the rectum; burning in the anus; violent tenesmus, fissures of the anus indicates Phosphorus.

Protruding hemorrhoids; hemorrhoids that burn.

Urinary complaints

Frequent, scanty or completely suppressed urine with involuntary urination during sleep indicates Phosphorus.

Twitching and burning in the urethra with sugar in the urine. It is useful in renal calculi.

Male complaints

Swelling and soreness of the testes and cord; inflammation of the testes and cord.

Phosphorus is useful in frequent erections that are painful day and night.

Female complaints

Violent pain in the ovaries extending down the inner side of the thighs during menstruation indicates Phosphorus.

Hemorrhages from uterus, bright red, clotted blood, Frequent and profuse hemorrhages from the uterus are checked with Phosphorus.

Painful, hard, large nodosities in the female mammary glands.

Menstrual period is too early, flow bright red, lasting too long with pain in the back.

Swelling of the labia, with bleeding warts indicates phosphorus.

About LM potency homeopathy medicines

In the sixth edition of ‘Organon’ Dr. Hahnemann had introduced a new system of dilution and potentization and called it “renewed dynamisation” with a diluting ratio of 1:50,000. It was named as 50 millesimal potency or LM potency by Dr. Pierre Schmidt. In some parts of the world, it is also called as Q potency. It soon got professional acceptance. As on date, it is recognized by different homoeopathic pharmacopoeias including American and Indian.

What are they and how are they denoted?

These homoeopathic potencies are prepared in the diluting scale of 1:50,000 and denoted as 0/1, 0/2, 0/3…..etc. They are generally used up to 0/30.

Perceived advantages

  • Highest development of power at each potency level.
  • Mildest reaction – no medicinal aggravation.
  • Frequent repetition is permitted; every hour or oftener in urgent cases.
  • Quick cure in chronic cases where it can be given daily or oftener.
  • 0/3 is more subtle than 30C or 200C and the 0/30 is sharper than CM as believed by many classical homoeopaths.

LM potency dosage: Generally LM potencies are administered as follows:

  1. Take a 4oz (120ml) to 6oz (180ml) clean glass bottle. Fill it 3/4th with water. Take 1or 2 globules of the desired potency (often starting at LM 0/1) and place it into the bottle.
  2. Succuss the bottle just prior to ingestion 1 to 12 times depending on the sensitivity of the patient. This slightly raises the potency and activates the remedy.
  3. Take 1, or more teaspoons of the medicinal solution and place it into 8 to 10 tablespoons of water in a dilution glass and stir it. Most cases are started with 1 teaspoon and the amount is increased only if necessary. In children the amount should be 1/2 teaspoon. Infants may only need 1/4 of a teaspoon.

The dosage of the medicinal solution can be carefully adjusted to suit the sensitivity of the individual’s constitution

Note: We dispense SBL LM potency medicines in 1/2, 1 & 2 dram plastic containers, image for illustrative purpose only.


Phosphorus LM Potency Dilution

From Rs. 45.00

For Burning pains, sensitivity, vertigo, vomiting, piles, Bleeding

Clinical Indications of Phosphorus:

Complaints from electric changes in the atmosphere; violent palpitations, working under a bright light cause complaint indicates Phosphorus.

Burning pains are observed everywhere, which is characteristic of this remedy and is sensitive to cold.

Craving for cold things, ice cream, which agrees, or cold water, which is thrown up as it gets warm in the stomach indicates phosphorus.

Phosphorus has been very useful in weak, relaxed conditions of the joints following sprains, Tearing, boring pains, especially at night with necrosis.

The Phosphorus patient is very sensitive to all external impressions; slight odors, noises, touch.

Glandular swellings,  abscesses, fistulous openings

Patient Profile: Phosphorus LM potency medicine

Mind and head

The mind may be overactive or may be extremely passive with loss of memory.

Irritability of mind and body and great prostration of mind after slight mental effort, and of the body after slight physical exertion.

Trembling of the whole body with fear is relieved with this Phosphorus. Brain-fag from mental overwork.

Vertigo when in the open air; vertigo after eating; vertigo in the evening indicates Phosphorus.

Heaviness and confusion in the head and thing go round; great weakness of the head.

The headaches are ameliorated from cold and worse from heat, worse from motion, and better from rest.

Eyes, ear, nose

Burning, redness, congestion, enlargement of the blood-vessels of the eye indicates Phosphorus.

The eyelids twitch and tremble; swelling of the eyelids; dropsical swelling of the eyelids; great darkness around the eyes; great circles around the eyes.

Inability to understand the articulations of the human voice. Hearing is difficult.

Violent itching in the ears; congestion of the external ear; itching, tearing, throbbing, burning pains is relieved with Phosphorus.

painful dryness in the nose; constant sneezing and running from the nose of bloody water.

Frequent blowing of blood from the nose,swelling of the nose, redness and very sensitive to touch, polyps is relieved with Phosphorus.

Mouth and Throat

Phosphorus is useful in swollen, oedematous face; puffed under the eyes, bloated face, worse from talking and from eating

Jerking, tearing pains in the teeth. The pains of the teeth are often ameliorated by warmth

Parched, dry and bleeding lips, Inflammation of the parotid gland, especially when it suppurates or there are fistulous openings is relieved with Phosphorus.

Dryness of the mouth and throat, roughness, rawness, excoriation, bleeding, and inflammation of the tonsils.

Hoarseness and loss of voice; great dryness in the larynx and all of the air passages,  suffocation; dyspnoea.

Stomach and Abdomen

In Phosphorus there is violent hunger and very soon after eating the hunger returns again.

In acute and chronic complaints there is violent thirst; thirst for ice-cold drinks.

Vomiting on as soon as the water becomes warm in the stomach indicates Phosphorus.

The complaints are ameliorated by eating with Constant nausea.

Pressing pains, burning pains, tearing pains in the stomach; pain in the stomach after eating

Phosphorus is useful in Congestion of the liver, fullness, pain, hardness, fatty degeneration of the liver.

Sensation of emptiness in the abdomen

Flatulence; colic; rending, tearing, cutting pains throughout the abdomen is relieved with phosphorus.

Stool and Rectum

Burning in the rectum during stool. Protrusion of the rectum, protrusion of the piles is relieved with Phosphorus.

Sharp, stitching pains from the coccyx up the spine that occurs during stool.

After stool painful cramps in the rectum; burning in the anus; violent tenesmus, fissures of the anus indicates Phosphorus.

Protruding hemorrhoids; hemorrhoids that burn.

Urinary complaints

Frequent, scanty or completely suppressed urine with involuntary urination during sleep indicates Phosphorus.

Twitching and burning in the urethra with sugar in the urine. It is useful in renal calculi.

Male complaints

Swelling and soreness of the testes and cord; inflammation of the testes and cord.

Phosphorus is useful in frequent erections that are painful day and night.

Female complaints

Violent pain in the ovaries extending down the inner side of the thighs during menstruation indicates Phosphorus.

Hemorrhages from uterus, bright red, clotted blood, Frequent and profuse hemorrhages from the uterus are checked with Phosphorus.

Painful, hard, large nodosities in the female mammary glands.

Menstrual period is too early, flow bright red, lasting too long with pain in the back.

Swelling of the labia, with bleeding warts indicates phosphorus.

About LM potency homeopathy medicines

In the sixth edition of ‘Organon’ Dr. Hahnemann had introduced a new system of dilution and potentization and called it “renewed dynamisation” with a diluting ratio of 1:50,000. It was named as 50 millesimal potency or LM potency by Dr. Pierre Schmidt. In some parts of the world, it is also called as Q potency. It soon got professional acceptance. As on date, it is recognized by different homoeopathic pharmacopoeias including American and Indian.

What are they and how are they denoted?

These homoeopathic potencies are prepared in the diluting scale of 1:50,000 and denoted as 0/1, 0/2, 0/3…..etc. They are generally used up to 0/30.

Perceived advantages

LM potency dosage: Generally LM potencies are administered as follows:

  1. Take a 4oz (120ml) to 6oz (180ml) clean glass bottle. Fill it 3/4th with water. Take 1or 2 globules of the desired potency (often starting at LM 0/1) and place it into the bottle.
  2. Succuss the bottle just prior to ingestion 1 to 12 times depending on the sensitivity of the patient. This slightly raises the potency and activates the remedy.
  3. Take 1, or more teaspoons of the medicinal solution and place it into 8 to 10 tablespoons of water in a dilution glass and stir it. Most cases are started with 1 teaspoon and the amount is increased only if necessary. In children the amount should be 1/2 teaspoon. Infants may only need 1/4 of a teaspoon.

The dosage of the medicinal solution can be carefully adjusted to suit the sensitivity of the individual’s constitution

Note: We dispense SBL LM potency medicines in 1/2, 1 & 2 dram plastic containers, image for illustrative purpose only.


  • 1/2 Dram (1.6 Gms)
  • 1 Dram (3.2 Gms)
  • 2 Dram (6.2 Gms)


  • 0/1
  • 0/2
  • 0/3
  • 0/4
  • 0/5
  • 0/6
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