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Origanum Majorana Homeopathy Mother Tincture Q

Rs. 185.00 Rs. 190.00
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About Majorana (Origanum Majorana) Homeopathy Mother Tincture Q

Botanical Name: Origanum vulgare Linn, Common Name: Sweet Marjoram, Wile Majoram. Marwa (Hindi). Aromatic herb found in the lower temperate altitudes of Himalayas

Main action on the nervous system. Useful in cases of sexual excesses. Also in affections of the mammary glands. Desire for an active exercise.

It works as anaphrodisiac i.e, as a drug to reduce sexual desire.

Indications & Symptoms for Origanum Marjorana

It is said to have an action on the genital system.

bad effects of excessive masturbation are recovered with Origanum Marjorana.

In complaints of seminal emissions, sexual irritation, the medicine gives good results.

Impulsiveness of the symptoms, in colic complaints.

Painful red pimples is relieved with Origanum Marjorana.

Other indications; poor blood circulation, anorexia, breast milk, cold

Origanum Majorana Patient Profile

Mind: Unable to remain calm. Alternating moods and behaviour. Irritable and restless with despair and sadness. Very active and wants to be in the open air. Sad the whole day with excessive joy in the evening. Wants to exercise, to get married. Lascivious thoughts.

Head: Dizziness especially on lying down especially in the evening. Pain in head especially on the sides. Head feels hot. Turning of head from side to side.

Nose: Bleeding from the nose. Sensation of tickling and constriction at the tip of the nose.

Stomach: No desire to eat. Very thirst especially at night. Hiccoughs.

Abdomen: Severe pain in the abdomen disturbing sleep.

Urinary Organs: Increased desire to pass urine. Has to get up several times at night to pass urine.

Male Sexual Organs: Emissions in the night.

Female Sexual Organs: Increased sexual desire. Mania with desire to commit suicide. Sexual irritability in young girls. Very sad and irritable. Sexual desire with itching and discharge from the vagina. Passage of flatus from the uterus. Lascivious impulses. Discharge from the vagina with hysterical behaviour. Obscene ideas and dreams.

Chest: Swelling and itching of the nipples with pain.

Generalities: Physical weakness and uneasiness. Pain in legs of a violent nature.

Skin: Red spots on legsand on the abdomen. Eruptions with pain.

Sleep: Wakes up frequently in the night with fear and trembling. Vivid dreams.

What doctors recommend Origanum Majorana in Homeopathy?

Dr Akash Kale says (Hindi)  यदि आप को हस्थमैथुन की आदत है ओर आप इस आदत को छोड़ना चाहते है तो आप वीडियो में बताई गई दवाई का सेवन करे.  He recommend  Origanum Majorana for excited nervous states, strong sexual desires in bothe male and female, possessed by sexual thoughts and dreams.

Dr Tiwari PS recommends Origanum Majorana Q 10 drops thrice daily for excessive masturbation habit. It removes the addiction and urge to maturbate, sometine 2-3 times a day

GP Singh -  हस्तमैथुन की आदत छुड़ाने की होम्योपैथिक दवा

Dr KS Gopi indicates for

Hysteria:  Lascivious ideas, impulses and dreams. Lascivious ideas with sexual irritation. Restless with great anxiety and full of ideas. Thoughts of marriage, which dispel sadness. Impulses to run. Sadness the whole day.

Nymphomania:  Sexual mania, powerful lascivious impulses, leucorrhea, hysteria. Increased  desire for sex. Sexual mania with inclination to suicide in young girls. Sexual irritation with leucorrhea and irritation of pudenda

Potency: Mother tincture and higher

Origanum Majorana as per Boericke Materia Medica

Acts on nervous system generally, and is effective in masturbation and excessively aroused sexual impulses. Affections of the breasts (Bufo). Desire for active exercise impelling her to run.

Female.--Frotomania; powerful lascivious impulses; leucorrhœa; hysteria. Lascivious ideas and dreams.

Relationship.--Compare: Ferula glauca (in violent sexual excitement in women; icy coldness in occiput); Plat; Valer; Canth; Hyos.

Dose.--Third potency.

Dosage: Please note that the dosage of single homoeopathic medicines varies from drug to drug depending upon the condition, age, sensitivity and other things. In some cases they are given as regular doses as 3-5 drops 2-3 times a day whereas in other cases they are given only once in a week, month or even in a longer period. We strongly recommend that the medication should be taken as per the physician's advice.

Please avoid taking any food or drinks for a few minutes before and after taking the medication.

Side Effects:

No side effect of this remedy is known in therapeutic doses.


No contraindication for the use of this remedy is known.

Origanum Majorana Homeopathy Mother Tincture is available in SBL, Schwabe, Others (Homeomart, Hahnemann, Similia, Medisynth). When you choose 'Others' one of the 3 brands medicine will be sent subject to availability of these brands. All sealed units.

SBL Origanum Majorana (Majorana) Homeopathy Mother Tincture Q

Origanum Majorana Homeopathy Mother Tincture Q

From Rs. 145.00 Rs. 150.00

About Majorana (Origanum Majorana) Homeopathy Mother Tincture Q

Botanical Name: Origanum vulgare Linn, Common Name: Sweet Marjoram, Wile Majoram. Marwa (Hindi). Aromatic herb found in the lower temperate altitudes of Himalayas

Main action on the nervous system. Useful in cases of sexual excesses. Also in affections of the mammary glands. Desire for an active exercise.

It works as anaphrodisiac i.e, as a drug to reduce sexual desire.

Indications & Symptoms for Origanum Marjorana

It is said to have an action on the genital system.

bad effects of excessive masturbation are recovered with Origanum Marjorana.

In complaints of seminal emissions, sexual irritation, the medicine gives good results.

Impulsiveness of the symptoms, in colic complaints.

Painful red pimples is relieved with Origanum Marjorana.

Other indications; poor blood circulation, anorexia, breast milk, cold

Origanum Majorana Patient Profile

Mind: Unable to remain calm. Alternating moods and behaviour. Irritable and restless with despair and sadness. Very active and wants to be in the open air. Sad the whole day with excessive joy in the evening. Wants to exercise, to get married. Lascivious thoughts.

Head: Dizziness especially on lying down especially in the evening. Pain in head especially on the sides. Head feels hot. Turning of head from side to side.

Nose: Bleeding from the nose. Sensation of tickling and constriction at the tip of the nose.

Stomach: No desire to eat. Very thirst especially at night. Hiccoughs.

Abdomen: Severe pain in the abdomen disturbing sleep.

Urinary Organs: Increased desire to pass urine. Has to get up several times at night to pass urine.

Male Sexual Organs: Emissions in the night.

Female Sexual Organs: Increased sexual desire. Mania with desire to commit suicide. Sexual irritability in young girls. Very sad and irritable. Sexual desire with itching and discharge from the vagina. Passage of flatus from the uterus. Lascivious impulses. Discharge from the vagina with hysterical behaviour. Obscene ideas and dreams.

Chest: Swelling and itching of the nipples with pain.

Generalities: Physical weakness and uneasiness. Pain in legs of a violent nature.

Skin: Red spots on legsand on the abdomen. Eruptions with pain.

Sleep: Wakes up frequently in the night with fear and trembling. Vivid dreams.

What doctors recommend Origanum Majorana in Homeopathy?

Dr Akash Kale says (Hindi)  यदि आप को हस्थमैथुन की आदत है ओर आप इस आदत को छोड़ना चाहते है तो आप वीडियो में बताई गई दवाई का सेवन करे.  He recommend  Origanum Majorana for excited nervous states, strong sexual desires in bothe male and female, possessed by sexual thoughts and dreams.

Dr Tiwari PS recommends Origanum Majorana Q 10 drops thrice daily for excessive masturbation habit. It removes the addiction and urge to maturbate, sometine 2-3 times a day

GP Singh -  हस्तमैथुन की आदत छुड़ाने की होम्योपैथिक दवा

Dr KS Gopi indicates for

Hysteria:  Lascivious ideas, impulses and dreams. Lascivious ideas with sexual irritation. Restless with great anxiety and full of ideas. Thoughts of marriage, which dispel sadness. Impulses to run. Sadness the whole day.

Nymphomania:  Sexual mania, powerful lascivious impulses, leucorrhea, hysteria. Increased  desire for sex. Sexual mania with inclination to suicide in young girls. Sexual irritation with leucorrhea and irritation of pudenda

Potency: Mother tincture and higher

Origanum Majorana as per Boericke Materia Medica

Acts on nervous system generally, and is effective in masturbation and excessively aroused sexual impulses. Affections of the breasts (Bufo). Desire for active exercise impelling her to run.

Female.--Frotomania; powerful lascivious impulses; leucorrhœa; hysteria. Lascivious ideas and dreams.

Relationship.--Compare: Ferula glauca (in violent sexual excitement in women; icy coldness in occiput); Plat; Valer; Canth; Hyos.

Dose.--Third potency.

Dosage: Please note that the dosage of single homoeopathic medicines varies from drug to drug depending upon the condition, age, sensitivity and other things. In some cases they are given as regular doses as 3-5 drops 2-3 times a day whereas in other cases they are given only once in a week, month or even in a longer period. We strongly recommend that the medication should be taken as per the physician's advice.

Please avoid taking any food or drinks for a few minutes before and after taking the medication.

Side Effects:

No side effect of this remedy is known in therapeutic doses.


No contraindication for the use of this remedy is known.

Origanum Majorana Homeopathy Mother Tincture is available in SBL, Schwabe, Others (Homeomart, Hahnemann, Similia, Medisynth). When you choose 'Others' one of the 3 brands medicine will be sent subject to availability of these brands. All sealed units.


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