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Ipecacuanha LM Potency Dilution

Rs. 45.00
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Homeopathy for constant nausea, insect bites, Gastric headache, Vomiting, Colic

Clinical Indications of Ipecacuanha:

Wherever ailments are associated with the presence of constant nausea, Nausea through all the stages, Ipecac is the indicated remedy.

There is profuse salivation with the nausea, indicated after indigestible food, raisins, cakes

Suffocation from accumulation of mucus is relieved with Ipecac.

The tincture is used for the bites of insects, bee, and wasp-stings.

Vexation, Suppressed eruptions, Indigestible Foods are the leading causes that get the symptoms.

Patient Profile: Ipecacuanha LM potency medicine

Mind and Head

Anxiety and fear of death, Ailments from mortification or vexation, with indignation, Impatience is relieved with Ipecac.

Sick headache originating in the stomach, the nausea preceding the headache and persisting all through.

Vertigo when walking, and when turning round, Lancinating headache, with heaviness of the head.

Attacks of headache, with nausea and vomiting indicates Ipecac.

Eyes, Ear, Nose

Violent neuralgia of eyeballs, shooting in the head, with gushes of tears, nausea.

Ipecac relieves the Trembling and Twitching of the eyelids.

Coldness and chilliness of the ears.

Coryza, with stoppage of the nose is relieved with Ipecac.

Mouth and Throat

Saliva runs from mouth on lying down, sensibility of all parts of the mouth.

Lips covered with small aphthae and eruptions. Fine granny eruption on face, with or without irritation.

Sore throat, during swallowing, as from swelling of the pharynx is relieved with Ipecac.

Stomach and Abdomen

There is disgust at the stomach for food, empty vomiting, vomiting of bile, of blood, No better by vomiting indicates Ipecac.

Vomiting of drink and of ingested food, or else of bilious, greenish, or acid, or mucous, gelatinous matter, somethings immediately after a meal.

Retching, especially, after drinking anything cold, or after smoking indicates Ipecac.

Colic, with agitation, tossing and child cries is relieved with Ipecac.

Incisive pains, in the umbilical region, with shuddering marks Ipecac.

Stool and Anus

It is Indicated for Itching of anus, Diarrhea of children. Hemorrhoids bleed profusely.

About LM potency homeopathy medicines

In the sixth edition of ‘Organon’ Dr. Hahnemann had introduced a new system of dilution and potentization and called it “renewed dynamisation” with a diluting ratio of 1:50,000. It was named as 50 millesimal potency or LM potency by Dr. Pierre Schmidt. In some parts of the world, it is also called as Q potency. It soon got professional acceptance. As on date, it is recognized by different homoeopathic pharmacopoeias including American and Indian.

What are they and how are they denoted?

These homoeopathic potencies are prepared in the diluting scale of 1:50,000 and denoted as 0/1, 0/2, 0/3…..etc. They are generally used up to 0/30.

Perceived advantages

  • Highest development of power at each potency level.
  • Mildest reaction – no medicinal aggravation.
  • Frequent repetition is permitted; every hour or oftener in urgent cases.
  • Quick cure in chronic cases where it can be given daily or oftener.
  • 0/3 is more subtle than 30C or 200C and the 0/30 is sharper than CM as believed by many classical homoeopaths.

LM potency dosage: Generally LM potencies are administered as follows:

  1. Take a 4oz (120ml) to 6oz (180ml) clean glass bottle. Fill it 3/4th with water. Take 1or 2 globules of the desired potency (often starting at LM 0/1) and place it into the bottle.
  2. Succuss the bottle just prior to ingestion 1 to 12 times depending on the sensitivity of the patient. This slightly raises the potency and activates the remedy.
  3. Take 1, or more teaspoons of the medicinal solution and place it into 8 to 10 tablespoons of water in a dilution glass and stir it. Most cases are started with 1 teaspoon and the amount is increased only if necessary. In children the amount should be 1/2 teaspoon. Infants may only need 1/4 of a teaspoon.

The dosage of the medicinal solution can be carefully adjusted to suit the sensitivity of the individual’s constitution

Note: We dispense SBL LM potency medicines in 1/2, 1 & 2 dram plastic containers, image for illustrative purpose only.


Ipecacuanha LM Potency Dilution

From Rs. 45.00

Homeopathy for constant nausea, insect bites, Gastric headache, Vomiting, Colic

Clinical Indications of Ipecacuanha:

Wherever ailments are associated with the presence of constant nausea, Nausea through all the stages, Ipecac is the indicated remedy.

There is profuse salivation with the nausea, indicated after indigestible food, raisins, cakes

Suffocation from accumulation of mucus is relieved with Ipecac.

The tincture is used for the bites of insects, bee, and wasp-stings.

Vexation, Suppressed eruptions, Indigestible Foods are the leading causes that get the symptoms.

Patient Profile: Ipecacuanha LM potency medicine

Mind and Head

Anxiety and fear of death, Ailments from mortification or vexation, with indignation, Impatience is relieved with Ipecac.

Sick headache originating in the stomach, the nausea preceding the headache and persisting all through.

Vertigo when walking, and when turning round, Lancinating headache, with heaviness of the head.

Attacks of headache, with nausea and vomiting indicates Ipecac.

Eyes, Ear, Nose

Violent neuralgia of eyeballs, shooting in the head, with gushes of tears, nausea.

Ipecac relieves the Trembling and Twitching of the eyelids.

Coldness and chilliness of the ears.

Coryza, with stoppage of the nose is relieved with Ipecac.

Mouth and Throat

Saliva runs from mouth on lying down, sensibility of all parts of the mouth.

Lips covered with small aphthae and eruptions. Fine granny eruption on face, with or without irritation.

Sore throat, during swallowing, as from swelling of the pharynx is relieved with Ipecac.

Stomach and Abdomen

There is disgust at the stomach for food, empty vomiting, vomiting of bile, of blood, No better by vomiting indicates Ipecac.

Vomiting of drink and of ingested food, or else of bilious, greenish, or acid, or mucous, gelatinous matter, somethings immediately after a meal.

Retching, especially, after drinking anything cold, or after smoking indicates Ipecac.

Colic, with agitation, tossing and child cries is relieved with Ipecac.

Incisive pains, in the umbilical region, with shuddering marks Ipecac.

Stool and Anus

It is Indicated for Itching of anus, Diarrhea of children. Hemorrhoids bleed profusely.

About LM potency homeopathy medicines

In the sixth edition of ‘Organon’ Dr. Hahnemann had introduced a new system of dilution and potentization and called it “renewed dynamisation” with a diluting ratio of 1:50,000. It was named as 50 millesimal potency or LM potency by Dr. Pierre Schmidt. In some parts of the world, it is also called as Q potency. It soon got professional acceptance. As on date, it is recognized by different homoeopathic pharmacopoeias including American and Indian.

What are they and how are they denoted?

These homoeopathic potencies are prepared in the diluting scale of 1:50,000 and denoted as 0/1, 0/2, 0/3…..etc. They are generally used up to 0/30.

Perceived advantages

LM potency dosage: Generally LM potencies are administered as follows:

  1. Take a 4oz (120ml) to 6oz (180ml) clean glass bottle. Fill it 3/4th with water. Take 1or 2 globules of the desired potency (often starting at LM 0/1) and place it into the bottle.
  2. Succuss the bottle just prior to ingestion 1 to 12 times depending on the sensitivity of the patient. This slightly raises the potency and activates the remedy.
  3. Take 1, or more teaspoons of the medicinal solution and place it into 8 to 10 tablespoons of water in a dilution glass and stir it. Most cases are started with 1 teaspoon and the amount is increased only if necessary. In children the amount should be 1/2 teaspoon. Infants may only need 1/4 of a teaspoon.

The dosage of the medicinal solution can be carefully adjusted to suit the sensitivity of the individual’s constitution

Note: We dispense SBL LM potency medicines in 1/2, 1 & 2 dram plastic containers, image for illustrative purpose only.


  • 1/2 Dram (1.6 Gms)
  • 1 Dram (3.2 Gms)
  • 2 Dram (6.2 Gms)


  • 0/1
  • 0/2
  • 0/3
  • 0/4
  • 0/5
  • 0/6
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