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German Passiflora Pentarkan Ptk 66 Drops. Insomnia

Rs. 325.00 Rs. 350.00
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About German Passiflora Pentarkan Ptk 66 Homeopathy Drops

Passiflora Pentarkan drops, also known as insomnia 66 are best for treating sleeping problems and disorders like falling or staying asleep. This may occur as a result of nervous tension or irritability. Passiflora Pentarkan also influences shifts in the day-night rhythm such as the Occurrence of drowsiness during the day with poor performance, while full performance is achieved in the evening and at night.


100 g contain Passiflora incarnata Ø 30 g; Zincum metallicum 6X 1 g; Lupulus Ø 30 g; Eschscholzia californica ex herba flor. rec. Ø 25 g; Excipients Q.S. to 100 g. Ethanol 64 % (V/V).


  • Used for the treatment of sleeping problems and disorders like falling asleep or staying asleep, which occurs as a result of nervous tension or irritability.
  • Also influences shifts in day-night rhythm such as occurence of drowsiness during the day with poor performance, While full performance is achieved in the evening and at night

Size: 20ml


In acute conditions 5 drops every 30-60 minutes at most 6 times a day). In chronic conditions 5-10 drops 1 to 3 times a day. Children should be given half of the adult dose. If the complaints are relieved reduce the frequency.

German Passiflora Pentarkan Ptk 66

German Passiflora Pentarkan Ptk 66 Drops. Insomnia

Rs. 325.00 Rs. 350.00

About German Passiflora Pentarkan Ptk 66 Homeopathy Drops

Passiflora Pentarkan drops, also known as insomnia 66 are best for treating sleeping problems and disorders like falling or staying asleep. This may occur as a result of nervous tension or irritability. Passiflora Pentarkan also influences shifts in the day-night rhythm such as the Occurrence of drowsiness during the day with poor performance, while full performance is achieved in the evening and at night.


100 g contain Passiflora incarnata Ø 30 g; Zincum metallicum 6X 1 g; Lupulus Ø 30 g; Eschscholzia californica ex herba flor. rec. Ø 25 g; Excipients Q.S. to 100 g. Ethanol 64 % (V/V).


Size: 20ml


In acute conditions 5 drops every 30-60 minutes at most 6 times a day). In chronic conditions 5-10 drops 1 to 3 times a day. Children should be given half of the adult dose. If the complaints are relieved reduce the frequency.

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