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German Causticum Homeopathy Dilution 6C, 30C, 200C, 1M, 10M, 50M, CM

Rs. 135.00 Rs. 120.00

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Bangalore, Metro cities: 1-3 business days, South India: 4-5 business days, North India: 5-7 business days, North east: 5-12 business days

Outside India: 5-10 business days

About German Causticum Homeopathic Dilution

This medicine  is prepared from Potassium Hydrate by the potentization process

Constitution: It is mainly suited to dark-haired people with sensitive skin. Next it is suitable to people suffering from joint pains, weak muscles, and urinary complaints.

Causticum 30 is one of the top medicines for laryngitis from exposure to cold air.  Causticum is indicated when the larynx gets inflamed soon after exposure to cold air and hoarseness of voice results. Rawness and scarping sensation is also experienced in the throat. Loss of voice from cold air exposure is also treated well with this medicine Causticum.

Causticum 200 is  indicated  for stammering  when a person is mentally or emotionally excited.It is also useful for stammering from paralytic condition of tongue. Causticum may be seen with hoarseness , chronic clearing of the throat , and twitches of the face, particularly of the right side.There may be paralysis of the vocal chords.

Causticum 200 is considered when the person has a twitching sensation in the legs along with heaviness. There is need to move the feet constantly or walk about to relax.  Causticum is needed when the legs are restless from heaviness and stiffness in the calf muscles. Along with this, there may be a complaint of an electric shock-like sensation in the legs.

Causticum 200 is another effective medicine for tearing type of pains in hand and fingers with numbness. Causticum can be given in those cases where pain is worse in cold air and better from warm applications on hand

Causticum therapeutic range of actions as per Boericke Materia Medica

  • Manifests its action mainly in chronic rheumatic, arthritic, and paralytic affections, indicated by tearing and drawing pains in the muscular and fibrous tissues, with deformities about the joints.
  • Progressive loss of muscular strength and tendinous contractures are typical features.
  • It is often prescribed for broken down senile individuals.
  • In catarrhal affections of the air passages, Causticum seems to prefer dark-complexioned and rigid-fibered persons.
  • Restlessness at night is common, accompanied by tearing pains in joints and bones, and a faint-like sinking of strength.
  • This weakness progressively leads to gradually appearing paralysis.
  • Causticum is indicated for local paralysis affecting various parts of the body, including vocal cords, muscles of deglutition, tongue, eyelids, face, bladder, and extremities.
  • Children who are slow to walk may also benefit from this remedy.
  • The skin of a Causticum person is typically of a dirty white sallow, with warts, especially on the face.
  • Emaciation due to disease, worry, etc., and of long-standing nature is often observed.
About German Homeopathy remedies:

These medicines are made and bottled in Germany. They are shipped to India and sold through authorized distributors. German brands available in India currently are Dr. Reckeweg, Schwabe Germany (WSG), and Adel (Pekana).

Causticum dilution is available in following German brands and Sizes

  • Dr.Reckeweg (6C, 30C, 200C, 1M) (11ml/100ml)
  • Adel (6C, 30C, 200C, 1M) (10ml) 
  • Schwabe (WSG) (30C, 200C) (10ml)

Safety Information:

  • Read the label carefully before use
  • Do not exceed the recommended dose
  • Keep out of the reach of children
  • Store in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight

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