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Euphorbium Homeopathy Mother Tincture

Rs. 235.00 Rs. 240.00
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About Euphorbium Mother Tincture Q:

Euphorbium MT is useful in gastro-intestinal irritation; chronic diarrhoea when accompanied with cerebral irritation and delirium. It has been used topically for cancer and has cured epithelioma, gangrene, pustular and eczematous eruptions. It is also useful for burning pain in bones, pain in limbs and paralytic weakness in the joints. Recent research has shown that the phytoconstituent resiniferatoxin exhibits its effects by interacting with TRPV1, a known pain-sensing cation channel, thereby works like analgesics.

Euphorbium is a Mother Tincture made from juice of Euphorbia Resinifera. It is reported to be useful in cancer, cataract, coccygodynia, crusta lactea, gangrene, headache, peritonitis, warts, erysipelas, etc.

It is reported to be useful in pains in limbs and paralytic weakness in the joints. Important respiratory and skin symptoms.

What are the side effects of Euphorbium?

No known side effects reported.        

What precautions to take before using Euphorbium?


How long should I take Euphorbium?

Until the symptoms improve or as per the Physicians prescription.

Is Euphorbium safe for children?


Is it safe to use Euphorbium during pregnancy?



An irritant to the skin and mucous membranes. Burning pain in bones. Pains in limbs and paralytic weakness in the joints. Important respiratory and skin symptoms. Terrible burning pains. Pains of cancer. Everything appears larger than it really is.

Head.-Acute mania. Violent, pressive headache.

Face.-Erysipelas; yellow blisters. Burning in cheek; worse, left. Eyes inflamed and agglutinated in morning; Red swelling of cheeks. Nasal pruritus with mucous secretions from naso-pharynx.

Stomach.-Great hunger. Sialorrhea (profuse salty saliva). Waterbrash. Thirst for cold drinks.

Abdomen.-Sunken; spasmodic, flatulent colic. Stools fermented, profuse, clayey. Feels hollow.

Respiratory.-Breathing oppressed, as if chest were not wide enough. Spasmodic, dry cough, day and night, with asthma. Violent, fluent coryza, with burning and cough. Constant cough, with stitches from pit of stomach to sides of chest. Croup, dry, hollow, cough. Warm feeling in chest, as if hot food had been swallowed.

Extremities.-Paralytic pains. Pain in hip-joint and coccyx.

Skin.-Erysipelatous inflammation, especially of the cheek. Biting and stinging, red, swollen. Vesicular erysipelas. Carbuncle; old, torpid, indolent ulcers with biting, lancinating pain. Old torpid ulcer, pustules; gangrene (Echinac; Secale). Ulcerating carcinoma and epithelioma of the skin.

Relationship.-Compare: Euphorbia amygdaloides-Wood Spurge (in pain in antrum, illusion of smell, odor of mice. Sense of taste blunted. Diarrhœa; stools difficult, with painful anal spasm).

 Euphorbium Homeopathy Mother Tincture is available in SBL, Schwabe, Others (Homeomart, Hahnemann, Similia, Medisynth). When you choose 'Others' one of the 3 brands medicine will be sent subject to availability of these brands. All sealed units.


Euphorbium Homeopathy Mother Tincture

From Rs. 185.00

About Euphorbium Mother Tincture Q:

Euphorbium MT is useful in gastro-intestinal irritation; chronic diarrhoea when accompanied with cerebral irritation and delirium. It has been used topically for cancer and has cured epithelioma, gangrene, pustular and eczematous eruptions. It is also useful for burning pain in bones, pain in limbs and paralytic weakness in the joints. Recent research has shown that the phytoconstituent resiniferatoxin exhibits its effects by interacting with TRPV1, a known pain-sensing cation channel, thereby works like analgesics.

Euphorbium is a Mother Tincture made from juice of Euphorbia Resinifera. It is reported to be useful in cancer, cataract, coccygodynia, crusta lactea, gangrene, headache, peritonitis, warts, erysipelas, etc.

It is reported to be useful in pains in limbs and paralytic weakness in the joints. Important respiratory and skin symptoms.

What are the side effects of Euphorbium?

No known side effects reported.        

What precautions to take before using Euphorbium?


How long should I take Euphorbium?

Until the symptoms improve or as per the Physicians prescription.

Is Euphorbium safe for children?


Is it safe to use Euphorbium during pregnancy?



An irritant to the skin and mucous membranes. Burning pain in bones. Pains in limbs and paralytic weakness in the joints. Important respiratory and skin symptoms. Terrible burning pains. Pains of cancer. Everything appears larger than it really is.

Head.-Acute mania. Violent, pressive headache.

Face.-Erysipelas; yellow blisters. Burning in cheek; worse, left. Eyes inflamed and agglutinated in morning; Red swelling of cheeks. Nasal pruritus with mucous secretions from naso-pharynx.

Stomach.-Great hunger. Sialorrhea (profuse salty saliva). Waterbrash. Thirst for cold drinks.

Abdomen.-Sunken; spasmodic, flatulent colic. Stools fermented, profuse, clayey. Feels hollow.

Respiratory.-Breathing oppressed, as if chest were not wide enough. Spasmodic, dry cough, day and night, with asthma. Violent, fluent coryza, with burning and cough. Constant cough, with stitches from pit of stomach to sides of chest. Croup, dry, hollow, cough. Warm feeling in chest, as if hot food had been swallowed.

Extremities.-Paralytic pains. Pain in hip-joint and coccyx.

Skin.-Erysipelatous inflammation, especially of the cheek. Biting and stinging, red, swollen. Vesicular erysipelas. Carbuncle; old, torpid, indolent ulcers with biting, lancinating pain. Old torpid ulcer, pustules; gangrene (Echinac; Secale). Ulcerating carcinoma and epithelioma of the skin.

Relationship.-Compare: Euphorbia amygdaloides-Wood Spurge (in pain in antrum, illusion of smell, odor of mice. Sense of taste blunted. Diarrhœa; stools difficult, with painful anal spasm).

 Euphorbium Homeopathy Mother Tincture is available in SBL, Schwabe, Others (Homeomart, Hahnemann, Similia, Medisynth). When you choose 'Others' one of the 3 brands medicine will be sent subject to availability of these brands. All sealed units.


  • SBL
  • Others
  • Schwabe


  • 30ml
  • 100ml
  • 5*100ml (pound pack)
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