Nerve damage occurs from excessive pressure on nerve, nerve compression or nerve pinching. It can also occur from diabetes, autoimmune diseases, or motor neuron disease.
Meralgia paresthetica also known as Bernhardt - Roth syndrome is a condition that causes numbness, tingling, burning and pain in the outer area of thigh due to pinching or damage to the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve.
Homeopathic remedies for nerve damage can help halt further progression and give symptomatic relief to a person. Selection of homeopathic nerve remedy depends upon the individuality of the patient , considering mental and physical symptoms.
Kali Phos - For Numbness of Hands and Feet. Also recommended to manage prickling sensation in hands and feet and muscle weakness
Hypericum 200 - For tingling and burning sensation in Limbs. Best medicines for managing cases of nerve damage that arise from injury. Excessive nerve pain is the guiding symptom
Lac Defloratum 30 - is a well-indicated where numbness over the outer side of thighs is prominent with attendant pain. The pain appears after stepping on the floor out of bed in the morning.
Magnesium Phos 200 - For Nerve Damage Attended with Pain which seem to change location, tend to come and go and can be unbearable. Nerve Pain relieved by warmth.
Arsenic Album – For Burning Pains in Limbs with accompanying Weakness and heaviness
Causticum – For Cases Presenting with Muscle Weakness. It helps manage cases of paralysis of limbs, facial muscles, tongue, eyelids, vocal cords and urinary bladder
Plumbum Met - For Muscle Weakness, Paralysis along with Wasting of Muscle (atrophy)
Agaricus & Zincum Met - For Muscle Twitchings. Agaricus for twitchings that are marked in the eyes, eyelids, and facial muscles, cheeks, limbs. incum Met is indicated for cases having twitching's in face and limbs
Cuprum Met - For Muscle Cramps, affected part may be hot and very sensitive to touch.
Colocynth 200 - For Pain Radiating from Lower Back to Back of Legs (Sciatica). Highly effective medicine to manage sciatica pain arising from nerve damage irritation or compression
Gnaphalium 30 - For Sciatica Pain and Numbness. It gets worse from motion and is better by resting
Kalmia Lat 200 - is prescribed when numbness along with nerve pain occurs. Neuralgic pains, shoot downwards with numbness is characteristic to Kalmia.
Homeopathy medicines for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome which is another form of pinched nerve pain in the hands, know more
What doctors recommend for pinched nerve, neuralgic pain
Dr.Arwa Bohra recommends Hypericum for nerve pain. In acute cases where nerve pain is severe due to nerve injury or weight lifting, she recommends hypericum 30. In chronic cases like slipped disc, sciatica, trigeminal neuralgia she recommends Hypericum 200. Watch her YouTube video here Nerve pain treatment।।नसों के दर्द के लिए बेस्ट दवा।।Homeopathic medicine. Know the indications, health benefits, side effects, patient profile and more of Hypericum Perf here
Dr.Kirti V Singh recommends Homeopathic medicines for numbness,
- Gelsemium 200 2 drops 2 times a day
- Arnica 200 2 drops 2 times a day
- Hypericum 200 2 drops 2 times a day
- Argentum metallicum 30 2 drops 3 times a day
- Agaricus muscarius 30 2 drops 3 times a day
Watch his Youtube video "Numbness, Tingling! Homeopathic medicine for Numbness?? explain?" for more information
Nerve Injury Homeopathy Medicines list, Buy Online
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Good 👍