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Homeopathy Proving’s; Customer Testimonials on how it worked for them

By Bold Apps  •  0 comments  •   7 minute read

Homeopathy Proving’s; Customer Testimonials on how it worked for them

What is Homeopathy and how does it work?

Homeopathy is a holistic medicine, the best known form of alternative medicines that cures without harming the body and causing no side effects. It is 100% safe and effective. Homeopathic treatment approaches the human body not as collection of inter related anatomical parts like in conventional medicines but as totality. It unlock and liberates the body's locked up vital energies towards curing illness thereby restoring vitality, energies and well being.

To understand this you should know  the fundamental premise of its cure formula  i.e., in Homeopathy there is no medicine for any particular disease, but there is a medicine for the patient suffering from the disease. It also recognizes that the current problem of the patient is not an isolated occurrence but a part of a sequence thereby preventing the progress of disease. This takes into account the family history and the events through childhood thereby. Hence children who are under homoeopathic treatment grow into more healthy adults. In the later part of this article various testimonials samples from patients  corroborate this fact

A skeptic who questions; does homeopathy really work? needs to understand the method of the practitioner too. And customer testimonials in this regard  give credence to this aspect. A good homoeopath, combines the knowledge of anatomy, physiology, medicine, surgery and gynaecology to examine the patient, diagnose  and determine the natural course of the ailment and to manage the case well. He therefore goes to great lengths to understand the individuality of each patient fully and correctly and then selects right remedy. He applies the ‘Simile’ principle. scientifically and systematically using carefully tested medicines. This principle states that healing occurs when symptoms are treated with a corresponding source in nature that produces similar symptoms if ingested in its crude form by a healthy person


Does Homeopathy have a Scientific basis ?

Homeopathic dilutions and the memory of water theory: Customer testimonials samples and various clinical test results apart many people find  one aspect of homeopathy  implausible  - that the medicine is often left diluted to the point where no traces or no molecules of the original substance left. And this makes them ponder: does homeopathy work? 

Hospital Patient Surveys in UK

  1. Period -2008, 5 NHS hospitals in UK were covered, 1602 followup patients interviewed. study identified 235 separate medical complaints treated at the hospitals during one month. 34% of follow-up patients overall reported an improvement that affected their daily living(2nd appointment), For patients at their sixth appointment, the corresponding improvement rate was 59%. The study showed that reported health benefit may be gained more quickly in some medical conditions than in others
  2. Outpatient consultations at the Bristol Homeopathic Hospital formed one of the most comprehensive patient outcome surveys during November 1997 to October 2003. It covered  analysis of over 23,000 patients.  Of these 6,500 individual patients whose outcome was recorded at follow-up. More than 70% of these follow-up patients recorded clinical improvement following homeopathic treatment


Does homeopathy work?  Customer testimonial samples on Amazon

“I have been cured of IBS, post-partum depression, insomnia, post-partum infection, and a variety of minor ailments, all using this system of infinitesimal dilutions of natural substances”. Nicole on Amazon dt: June 19, 2005

“We used it (homeopathy) with everyday illnesses successfully all our lives… I highly recommend homeopathy itself”.  K. Tiwary on Amazon dt: Dec 15, 2011

“Yes - homeopathy - which I thought was bogus until I saw with my own eyes that it works. I became interested in homeopathy when it cured my 14 year old cat diagnosed with FIP. I have since started using homeopathy myself, and my husband is using it. Energy medicine works. I will never use an allopathic medicine again if I have the choice”Organizer+ on Amazon dt: Jan 1, 2012

“My son and I have seen tremendous results with homeopathy, as have many of the other people we know who have tried it. I didn't expect it to help my thyroid, heal my C-section scar, cure toenail fungus, or allow me to feel so much more even-keeled all the time. I don't believe that a placebo effect works this way - addressing things that you never anticipated and other people can clearly see (like scars and fungus)”. Angeleenalee on Amazon dt: on April 21, 2012

“I knew about the existance practice for a long time and it has worked wonders for me and my family” The Analyst on Amazon dt:  Nov 5, 2006

I have two kids with PANDAS and homeopathy is working for them, thank God!  Maria I. Arbeletche-Cuetoon on Amazon dt; Decr 20, 2011

Homeopathy is very inexpensive, and I believe most families could afford to pay for treatment out of pocket. I've used homeopathy with great success and satisfaction for 15 years. My annual cost last year was about $600C. Jahnigon on Amazon dt January 16, 2014

My son has recovered from Autism, and although still has immune issues that are slowly healing with Classical Homeopathy,  Elizabeth monterosso on Amazon dt on September 16, 2011


Does homeopathy work?  testimonial samples on  Facebook/Twitter

Homeopathy works for me, my family and my animals Mel Llyod @culchy99

It works me for the same reasons it works on everyone else, it just does! Amazing, gentle & more effective than any other modality  @SherrisMusings

Homeopathy works for me because results are consistent and there are no side effects  @exeskeptics

To deny yourself and your family of Homeopathy is the greatest disservice you could do to your family,it's never too late to begin Syed Ashraf


Does homeopathy work?  Testimonial samples on  YouTube:

 Tonsilitis disappears after a homeopathic remedy - paltmann

video about the treatment of gingival hyperplasia (bleeding gums, swollen gums, spongy gums) - Kuram Srinivasachar Anand   

I suffered from chronic Hayfever and Allergies all my life and it eventually developed into chronic Asthma. I was introduced to Homeopathy by a neighbour and was astounded at how well Homeopathy helps stimulate the body to do its own healing. I ditched medication, for long term healing  Helen

Homeopathy has come to my rescue throughout all stages of life – Debbie

At the age of 18 I suffered an attack of Sciatica which resulted in my being off sick from work for 3 weeks. I continued to suffer for 12 years taking stronger and stronger painkillers and visits to physiotherapists. Since I found homeopathy nearly 11 years ago I only have an occasional twinge and have not taken painkillers – Anna C

I was suffering with a horrendous headache for a couple of days, I eventually took a homeopathic remedy and *boom*, the headache was gone! Amazing. Homeopathy definitely works for me. – Claire Zarb

How homeopathic medicine worked for me when I had flu. I recovered in only 3 days when most people were taking weeks - hazeldrummond

Homeopathy Works for Me - fast recovery from an accident - 8 year old Raci shares her experience


Does homeopathy work?  Testimonial samples on ( a consumer feedback portal)

I and my family are using homeopathic medicine since very long time. It has slow but sustained and long lasting effects. It does not give symptomatic relief. It cures the disease completely by curing it from roots. Homeopathic medicine has cured many diseases for my mother like sum allergy - shailey123 bangalore India

I am a working man of 42 years.2 years before I was suffering  from  Renal calculi, which is generally known as kidney stone…..(allopathy) caused so many side effects like weakness and I had running nose all the time. Personally, I am so afraid of surgery kind of things. So, I decided to go through homeopathy treatment…… within 6 months (of Homeopathic treatment) I got cured. Now, its been 2 years and I am living life without any painMahendra_sharma

Few years back I had Migraine problem . I use to have severe headache, I had shown to a homeopathic doctor, the treatment went for six months and it was cured . - Ghazala786 Vadodara India

I was trying to get some control over my chronic sinus infections and constant migraine headaches …. (after homeopathy treatment) my sinus infection was almost completely gone, and I hadn’t had any headaches, but I also started seeing other improvements in my life that were completely unexpected. I was falling asleep easily and sleeping through the night, which hadn’t happened in years; my periods were getting easier and more predictable; my allergies were getting less intense  Erin Shepherd (on

My son is 6 years old and he had been suffering from Asthma since 2 years. We wanted to try Homeopathy and went to …. We are happy that our son is now back to normal and is playing and enjoying like other kids.  ananyasmily7 | May 18, 2015  Hyderabad India

I was suffering from urticaria and was having severe migraine problem. Initially I started with allopathy as it was quick in providing me with the relief, but after 6-7 months of intake I switched to homeopathy. It took around 3-4 months of usage to show first signs of improvement and after 2 years the diseases are gone Sahil1610 | May 11, 2015 Delhi India

I had warts on my face since last two and half years. I had taken many medicines but nothing worked. Eveytime warts were on and off. Within six months of Aura Homeopathy treatment, there is ninety five percent of  improvement BhupeshDua | Jan 07, 2015

He(homeopath)  has cured my Allergy problem for which I have suffered for 15yrs and have consulted many doctor in Mumbai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Noida, Faridabad, Gurgaon & Delhisunu275 | Dec 21, 2014

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