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Brain tumor success stories in Homeopathy

By Vasant Prabhu  •  0 comments  •   3 minute read

Brain cancer survivors

The following cases from Prasanta Banerji Homeopathic Research Foundation (PBHRF) shows that you can live a normal life after brain tumor. Because in many cases, the tumor has responded well to homoeopathic treatment with clinical symptoms disappearing completely and in other cases mean survival time (as measured in Kaplan-Meier survival analysis) improved considerably.

The Prasanta Banerji Homeopathic Research Foundation (PBHRF) was set up in 1992 with the aim to include Homeopathy as a scientific and effective mode of alternative Medicine. They give a basic set of medicines to treat each cancer type and thereafter considering the accessory symptoms have preset first, second and third line medicines to give palliative relief to the suffering. The main objective they follow while taking on the treatment of such cases is to provide patients with a better Quality of Life (QoL).

Among those who were on the Banerji Protocol without any other treatment for Meningioma (common brain tumor that arises within the meninges), 7% of the cases were completely cured with PBHRF therapy. 60% were improved, 22% achieved status quo, and 11% were worse or expired. Mean follow-up time was 23 months.

Source: PBHRF have given case studies of cures of tumors in various parts of the body, using the Banerji Protocol of treatment. Please visit Pbhrfindia dot org for more information

It may appear as a 'brain tumor miracle' but experts like PBHRF follow a protocol whose methodology takes into account various factors like  MRI/CT scans, symptom monitoring over time, profiling and constitutional remedies while treating brain tumor cases successfully.

Brain tumor success stories 

1. High Grade Glioma (a tumor that arises from the glial cells in brain or spine):  Presenting symptoms: headache on and off on left side, occasional nausea, gradual dimness of vision in both eyes, cervical pain

After undergoing treatment from PBHRF with the medicines Ruta 6c, two doses a day, Calcarea Phosphorica 3X, two doses a day & Lycopodium Clavat 30c, two doses daily for edema all his clinical symptoms recovered within 4-5 months.

2. Glioma : complaints of seizures and headache off and on with haziness of vision, started since last 2 months.

After undergoing treatment from PBHRF with the medicines Ruta 6c, two doses a day, Calcarea Phosphorica 3X, two doses a day, and Lycopodium 30c two doses daily for edema, all his clinical symptoms recovered within 6-7 months. Now the patient is leading a trouble free, normal life but he still continuing his medication in reduced doses.

3. Meduloblastoma (highly malignant brain tumor that occurs in the cerebellum) - Pediatric: symptoms: unusual increment in size of head noticed for a few days with unnatural behavior of the child.

Ruta 6c, two doses a day, Calcarea Phosphorica 3X, two doses a day & Lycopodium Clavat 30c, two doses daily for hydrocephalus. All his clinical symptoms recovered within 4-5 months.

4. Astrocytoma Glioblastoma: 60 year old with headache, cervical pain, insomnia since 2 months.

Ruta 6c two doses a day, Calcarea Phosphorica 3X two doses a day, his all clinical symptoms were gone within 3-4 months.

Other Brain Tumor Homeopathy Medicines by indications/symptoms

Homeopathy offers natural alternative to surgery, radiation and chemotherapy in brain tumor treatment. Know the leading doctor indicated medicines by symptoms, indications, dosage


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