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Medisynth Gasgan Forte Pills, Indigestion, Acidity 15% Off

Rs. 125.00 Rs. 115.00

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Bangalore, Metro cities: 1-3 business days, South India: 4-5 business days, North India: 5-7 business days, North east: 5-12 business days

Outside India: 5-10 business days

About Gasgan Forte Pills

Indications: Reduces acidity & Heartburn, improves digestion, regulates bowel movement with goodness of carbo veg, nux vomica, colchicum

Medisynth Gasgan forte Pills has a unique combination of homeopathic medications that helps relieve indigestion and acidity. Gasgan improves digestive processes and liver activity by regulating the pH levels of gastric juices ,thus relieving acidity and constipation. 

Gasgan is a very effective combination formulated to relieve flatulence, dyspepsia, belching, gastralgia, water brash and discomfort caused due to indigestion. Its unique combination of  Nux Vomica, Carbo Veg, Colchicum increases pH of gastric juice improving liver activity. This eliminates acidity & constipation


  • Carbo Vegetabilis 200,
  • Colchicum Autumnale 200,
  • Nux Vomica 200

Action of individual ingredients in Gasgan forte pills

Nux Vomica : Reduces acidity and flatulence, thus relieves pressure on the chest and distress in breathing, regulates bowel movements, therefore promotes healthier digestion. It helps to overcome the digestive disturbances in people who have sedentary habits.

Carbo Vegetabilis : Acts on flatulence which causes distressing eructations, acidity, water brash and gastralgia. It helps persons who get temporary relief with eructation.

Colchicum Autumnale : It relieves constipation and a peculiar ineffectual urge for passing stools. It also reduces flatulence and nausea.

These remedies in combination have a marvellous effect on liver and gastric mucosa increasing the pH of the gastric juice and improving liver activity, thus eliminating acidity and constipation.

Dosage 2 pills upto 3 times a day. Children: Half the above dose.
Size 25gm
Manufacturer Medisynth Ch. Pvt. Ltd
Form Pills

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