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Homeopathy UTI (Urinary tract infections) Medicines

Homeopathic medicines for UTI work exceptionally well in both  acute or chronic cases and holds the potential and promise to completely eradicate the tendency toward recurrent infections

Colibacillinum for E.coli Positive UTI

Cantharis Vesicatoria & Apis Mellifica for Severe Burning while Passing Urine, bladder tenesmus, blood appears in the urine

Borax and Sarsaparilla Officinalis for UTI in Children

Uva Ursi for UTI with Pus and Blood in Urine

Nitric Acid for Offensive Urine, Burning during Urination, Urine may be cloudy or dark with blood in it

Petroselinum Sativum for UTI with Persistent urge to Pass Urine,  itching in urethra 

Sarsaparilla and Natrum Mur for Intense Burning at close of Urination, scanty urine, urine with pus and blood and pain in urethra

Sepia and Staphysagria for UTI in Women. chronic cystitis, UTI in menopause

Sabal Serrulata and Chimaphila Umbellata for UTI in Men with Prostate Enlargement. Fullness in the bladder, burning in urethra

Homeopathy Anti bacterial (Antibiotic) Medicines - check list here

Homeopathy for other kidney ailments, prostate - check list here

79 results
Doctor advise Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), Cystitis, Urethritis medicines , R18, Cantharis, Petroselinum, Berberis vulgaris, Terebinth
SBL Drops No 3 for Urinary Tract Infection Burning in urine Dripping of urine Urging of urine Burning in bladder Pain while passing urine
Schwabe German Enuroplant Drops for Cystitis (UTI), Bladder infection
Adel 29 Akutur drops for Urinary Tract Infections (UTI), Cystitis, Urethritis
Urethral disorders homeopathy medicines
Sabal pentarkan Ptk 75 German homoeopathy drops
homeopathy medicine for painful urination dysuria
Medisynth Renakoll homeopathy Syrup for Renal Disorders UTI, urinary tract infection, cystitis
Fourrts K Mag syrup (Kidney medicne) renal tubular acidosis
SBL Staphysagria Homeopathy Mother Tincture Q
Staphysagria Homeopathy Mother Tincture
From Rs. 420.00 Rs. 425.00
Dr.Bakshi B35 Urinary Drops for bloody urine, UTI
Wheezal WL 32 Homeopathic Renal Pain Drops
Allen A71 Homeopathic Drops for  Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)
Homeomart Apis Mellifica Dilution 6C, 30C, 200C, 1M, 10M.
Schwabe Acidum Nitricum Homeopathy Dilution 6C, 30C, 200C, 1M, 10M, CM
SBL Staphysagria Homeopathy Dilution 6C, 30C, 200C, 1M, 10M
Cantharis Homeopathy Mother Tincture Q
From Rs. 238.00 Rs. 250.00
Bhargava Kidflame Tablets for Renal Inflammation & Calculi
Adel 22 Renelix drops for Kidney Stones, Urinary Tract Infection
Schwabe Apis Mellifica Homeopathy Mother Tincture Q
Dr.Reckeweg R18 Kidney & Bladder Drops for Micturation (burning urine), Kidney & Bladder Inflammation
Dr.Reckeweg R87 anti Bacterial drops, side effect-free Immunization formula
Homeopathic Sepia medicated Pills
Wheezal WL24 Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) Drops
Dr Reckeweg Sepia  Dilution 6C, 30C, 200C, 1M, 10M
Bakson Bakunil in 115ml, 200ml 450ml packs
SBL Sarsaparilla Homeopathy Dilution 6C, 30C, 200C, 1M, 10M
Sabal Serrulata Homeopathy Dilution 6C, 30C, 200C, 1M, 10M
Homeopathy Apis Mellifica Homeopathy 2 Dram Pills 6C, 30C, 200C, 1M, 10M
Schwabe Sepia Homeopathy Dilution 6C, 30C, 200C, 1M, 10M
Homeopathy Borax 2 Dram Pills 6C, 30C, 200C, 1M, 10M
Acidum Nitricum Homeopathy Mother Tincture Q
79 results
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