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Comprehensive Homeopathic Medicine Collection for Piles Treatment

Explore Our Wide Range of Homeopathic Remedies for Effective Piles Relief

Aloe Socotrina: The Go-To Remedy for Protruding Piles

Aloe Socotrina 30: Top medicine for treating protruding piles, with symptoms like blue, tender, sore, and painful piles, and burning at the anus. Effective especially after long-standing diarrhea.

Nux Vomica: Ideal Solution for Piles Accompanied by Constipation

Nux Vomica 30: Ideal for piles with constipation. Symptoms include frequent but ineffectual urging for stool, unsatisfactory stool, and sedentary lifestyle-related piles.

Hamamelis: Leading Choice for Treating Bleeding Piles

Hamamelis 30: A leading remedy for bleeding piles, controlling hemorrhages effectively. It addresses symptoms like profuse bleeding, soreness, backache, and weakness.

Ratanhia: Effective Relief for Post-Stool Burning & Pain

Ratanhia 30: Prescribed for severe burning and pain after stool, with sensations like broken glass (or pins/sticks) in the rectum.

Muriatic Acid: Optimal Piles Treatment During Pregnancy

Muriatic Acid 30: Best for piles during pregnancy, presenting as protruding like grapes with violent stitching pain, alleviated by heat.

Paeonia Off.: For Large, Ulcerated Piles & Anus Fissures

Paeonia Off. 30: Used for large, ulcerated piles with itching, burning, and fissures in the anus. Effective if Mucuna fails.

Aesculus Hipp.: Backache & Blind Piles Relief

Aesculus Hipp. 30: For piles with severe backache. Indicated for blind piles with symptoms like purple, painful, burning, itching, and constipation.

Causticum: Intense Relief for Extremely Painful Piles

Causticum 30: Recommended for extremely painful piles, with relief after stool. Symptoms include itching, stitching, and burning.

Calcarea Flour: Versatile remedy for Both Blind & Bleeding Piles 

Calcarea Flour 12X: Suitable for both blind and bleeding piles. Addresses symptoms like backache, bright red blood, painful piles, constipation, itching, and rectal prolapse.

Mucuna : Targeted Remedy for Bleeding Piles

Mucuna Q: A specific remedy for bleeding piles.

Collinsonia: Effective for Piles with Backache & Constipation

Collinsonia 30: For piles with backache and obstinate constipation, bleeding or blind piles. Constipation alternates with diarrhea.

Nitric Acid: Quick Relief for Bleeding Piles & Rectal Fissures

Nitric Acid 30: For easily bleeding piles, constipation with rectal fissures, and cutting pain after stool.

Sulphur: Comprehensive Solution for Various Piles Symptoms

Sulphur 200: Can be used for both bleeding and blind piles. Symptoms include a sinking feeling in the stomach, itching, and burning at the anus, and skin irritation.

Homeopathy Mother Tinctures for Piles: Homeopathic Solutions for Pile Relief

- Aegle Marmelos Q: For piles with constipation and anorexia. Painless bleeding from piles.
- Ficus Religiosa Q: Treats bleeding piles, sensitive to noise, with white-coated tongue.
- Janosia Asoka Q: For bleeding piles with sacral and abdominal pain, dry mouth, and thirst.
- Mimosa Pudica Q: A single dose cures external piles.
- Terminalia Chebula Q: Addresses bleeding piles with frequent, forceful defecation and thirst for cold water.
66 results
Homeopathy Piles hemorrhoids medicine kit
Natural Relief Homeopathy Piles Kit - Doctor Recommended Treatment
Dr.Reckeweg R13 Hemorrhoidal drops Anal fissures, Bleeding, Itching, Anal Eczema
Fizural homeopathy for fissures anal cracks, pain and bleeding during bowel movements
Wheezal WL 28 Homeopathic Piles Drops- Dissolves & Shrinks Piles Masses, Lumps
Pilen Drops
Medisynth Pilen Cream: Homeopathic Treatment for Hemorrhoids & Fissures
SBL FP Tabs for fissures and piles
Vashisht Aesculus Hipp Gel for Piles, Fissures, and Fistula
Dr. Advice No. 78 Homeopathy drops, Piles,
REPL Dr. Adv. No. 78 drops (PILESS) 15% Off
From Rs. 162.00 Rs. 180.00
SBL Bio Combination No.17 Tablets for Engorged Rectal Veins (Piles)
BBP Pilorin Tablets homeopathic Remedy for Piles and Fissures
SBL Hamamelis Ointment for bleeding piles & haemorrhoids
Wheezal Dr Farokh J M Homeopathy Pylex Tablets for Piles blind and Bleeding Fissures
Bakson Pilgo Tablets - Relief for Piles & Fissures
Blooume 18 HEMOSAN Blooume 18 Hemosan Drops for Piles, Hemorrhoids
Blooume 72 Piles Salbe
Schwabe Sulphur Homeopathy Dilution 6C, 30C, 200C, 1M, 10M
Wheezal Aesculus Homeopathy Ointment for haemorrhoids
schwabe Nux vomica Homeopathy Dilution 6C, 30C, 200C, 1M, 10M, CM
Bakson Hamamelis Ointment-Pack of 3
Pile O Nil Drops for Hemorrhoids, Piles, Bawasir
Schwabe Hamamelis Virginica Dilution 6C, 30C, 200C, 1M, 10M.
Dr.Vashisht Biocombination Bio Vas 17 (BC17), Piles Medicine in Homeopathy
Schwabe Podophyllinum (Podophyllin) Homeopathy Dilution 6C, 30C, 200C, 1M, 10M
Dr Reckeweg Sulphur Dilution 6C, 30C, 200C, 1M, 10M
Dr Reckeweg Podophyllum Peltatum Dilution 6C, 30C, 200C, 1M, 10M
SBL FP Gel for piles, fissures & haemorrhoids
Dr Reckeweg Paeonia Officinalis Dilution 6C, 30C, 200C, 1M, 10M
Dr Reckeweg Hamamelis Virginica Dilution 6C, 30C, 200C, 1M, 10M
Homeopathy Apis Mellifica Homeopathy 2 Dram Pills 6C, 30C, 200C, 1M, 10M
Adel 2 apo-HAM drops - German Homeopathic medicine  for piles
Wheezal Homeopathy Pyle Ointment for Piles, Hemorrhoids
Haslab homeopathy HC-2 Aesculus Complex Tablet for Piles
Haslab Drox-20 Pilovarin for Haemrrhoids, Varicose Veins
Dr. Raj Pile Care: Natural Homeopathic Solution for Piles Relief
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