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Schwabe Biochemic Natrum Sulph, Flu symptoms, acid indigestion

Rs. 195.00 Rs. 175.00

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About Schwabe Biochemics Tablets  Natrum Sulphuricum 3x, 6x, 12x, 30x, 200x

Also known as - Sodium Sulphate

Main sphere of action - Intercellular fluid.

Benefits - Water retention or oedema (swelling) of the feet, flu symptoms, gastric billousness and acid indigestion, liver diseases, uric acid diathesis.

Natrum Sulphuricum (Sodium Sulphate) tablets for cough & dyspnoea in wet weather

  • Water retention,
  • Edema of the feet,
  • Flu symptoms,
  • Biliousness,
  • Acid indigestion..

Main sphere of action: Intercellular fluid. 

Indication: Water retention-oedema of the feet, flu symptoms, biliousness and acid indigestion. 

Schwabe Biochemics Tablets Natrum sulphuricum is indicated for cough and difficult breathing/Asthma in wet weather, water retention, edema of the feet, flu symptoms, biliousness and acid indigestion.

Check Natrum Sulphuricum in homeopathic dilution in various potencies

Why Biochemics should be taken? 

Biochemics are also known as tissue salts or cell salts and are recommended in low decimal potencies for correcting deficiencies at cell level. The principle aim of Biochemic salts is to stimulate the body to harmonize the disturbances, and compensate for deficient absorption of minerals. These salts help to activate the healing processes and facilitate regeneration of body tissues and stabilize health. These natural salts are physiologically and chemically similar to the cell minerals in the human body and penetrate cells more easily than heavier minerals. So they play an active role in reorganizing disturbed molecular motion or cure imbalance of the respective minerals in cells thus restoring health.

There are 12 Biochemic tissue salts and each tissue salt covers numerous systems and symptoms. Biochemic salts enable better absorption of other nutrients and serve to “fortify” and energize living tissue. These come in various potencies and are widely used amongst children, infants and adults without any side effects. Safe for the entire family with no worries of any drug interactions.

Get the complete collection of Biochemic Cell salts in various brands and potencies here

Composition: Natrum sulphuricum  (Sodium Sulphate) in trituration form

Health Benefits of Biochemic Natrum Sulphurica. 

Nat sulph helps excrete excessive water from the system. The main targets are liver, gallbladder and gastrointestinal tract. It is suitable for people who have a constitutional tendency to accumulate tissue fluid. They feel cold even in a warm bed. They get easily exhausted and suffer from daytime fatigue. Lancinating (tearing, sharply cutting) pains in the left chest and left hip. Predisposition to gallbladder and liver diseases and to jaundice; so-called bilious type, inflammation of the gastric mucosa and the intestines frequently accompany these symptoms. Serious effects of moist climate, malarial sequels, gastroduodenitis, hepatopathy, cholecystopathy, icterus, hepatogenous diarrhoea, uric acid diathesis, pancreatitis, oedematous diathesis.

Dosage Adults: Four tablets 3-4 times a day. Children: Half of the adult’s dose or as prescribed by the physician.

Presentation: 20 gms and 550 gms

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