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Rosmarinus Officinalis Homeopathy Mother Tincture Q

Rs. 145.00

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Bangalore, Metro cities: 1-3 business days, South India: 4-5 business days, North India: 5-7 business days, North east: 5-12 business days

Outside India: 5-10 business days

About Rosmarinus Officinalis Homeopathy Mother Tincture Q

Rosmarinus Officinalis, also recognized by the names Rosmarinus and Rottlera Tinctoria (Kamala), serves as a foundational component in homeopathic medicine. This Mother Tincture is celebrated for its versatile applications, particularly noted for enhancing memory in the elderly. Beyond cognitive support, it fosters healthy hair growth and skin revitalization, embodying a natural approach to wellness.

Acting as a central nervous system depressant, Rosmarinus Officinalis alleviates nerve pain and reduces body tension, offering a soothing effect. It finds specific indications in managing conditions related to abortion and alopecia, where it is known to induce abortion and menstruation in cases of amenorrhea. Additionally, it addresses baldness, headaches, and diminishing mental acuity, earning its reputation as the "herb of memory."

Rosmarinus Officinalis Patient Profile Overview


Individuals may experience weakened memory and feelings of anxiety, indicating a need for cognitive and emotional support.


Symptoms include vertigo accompanied by headaches, with the head often feeling heavy and dull, suggesting a disrupted sense of equilibrium.

Female Reproductive System:

Notable for addressing uterine hemorrhage characterized by violent pains, it is relevant for cases of miscarriage followed by faintness, chest spasms, cold hands, and a rapid, irregular pulse. Menstruation may occur prematurely, highlighting its significance in female reproductive health.


A generalized chilliness throughout the body, icy cold legs, and thirst are symptoms this remedy can manage, pointing to its role in feverish conditions.

Dosage Guidelines:

The dosage for Rosmarinus Officinalis varies widely depending on the individual's condition, age, sensitivity, and other factors. It ranges from regular doses of 3-5 drops 2-3 times daily to less frequent administration. Consultation with a physician for personalized advice is strongly advised. To ensure optimal absorption, avoid consuming food or drinks shortly before and after taking this medication.

Side Effects:

At therapeutic doses, Rosmarinus Officinalis is not known to cause side effects, indicating its safety profile when used appropriately.


There are no known contraindications for Rosmarinus Officinalis, making it a versatile option for those seeking homeopathic treatment without restrictions.

This comprehensive patient profile for Rosmarinus Officinalis underscores its therapeutic breadth, from mental and head-related symptoms to specific female reproductive system conditions and fever management, while emphasizing the importance of professional guidance for dosage and highlighting its safety and accessibility

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