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Allen A58 Homeopathy Drops,

Rs. 170.00

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Delivery time

Bangalore, Metro cities: 1-3 business days, South India: 4-5 business days, North India: 5-7 business days, North east: 5-12 business days

Outside India: 5-10 business days

Size Option: 30ml

A58 is indicated for headaches due to the sun. Indigestion nervousness, mental stress, migraine, headache associated with nausea & vomiting.

Mode of action of ingredients inAllen A58 drops:

Spigelia:Neuralgias (piercing, sharp). Excruciating headache, generally above or through the left eye or orbit.

Iris versicolor:Right sided. Burning pains from right to left, burning all over. Sick headache after relaxing from mental strain. One sided, right temple specially affected, begins with blurred vision. Frontal headache with nausea and vomiting.

Cedron:Severe burning pain in eyeball with radiating pain around eye, shooting into nose. Supra-orbital neuralgia. Eyes burn like fire. Periodicity is marked.

Usnea barbata:It is a remedy in some form of congestive headache; sunstroke. Throbbing carotids.

Ignatia amara:Headache from exertion of mind.

Dosage Take 8 to 10 Drops in half cup of water daily 3 times before meals. Or as directed by the Physician.
Manufacturer Allen Homoeo and Herbal Products Ltd., Hyderabad
Form Drops

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