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Azadirachta Indica Homeopathy Mother Tincture

Rs. 105.00 Rs. 100.00

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Bangalore, Metro cities: 1-3 business days, South India: 4-5 business days, North India: 5-7 business days, North east: 5-12 business days

Outside India: 5-10 business days

About Azadirachta Indica Mother Tinctures Q

Azadirachta Indica also known as Antelaea Azadirachta, Melia Azadirachta, Neem.

Azadirachta indica MT is useful for chronic malarial fever, the liver and spleen are enlarged and indurated, paroxysm of fever in the evening with bilious complaints with cough and burning in the eyes specially when the ague is suppressed with overdose of quinine. It is also useful in skin diseases and leprosy.

Azadirachta Indica is a good herbal remedy for Diabetes. It induces the production of Insulin that lowers blood sugar level. It produces insulin that lowers the Blood Sugar and treats Diabetes. It has a cooling effect that lowers the body temperature. This helps in treating Fever.It tones the Digestive system and eliminates the acidity from the body, enhances the appetite and treats Stomach ulcers too, has laxative property that cures Constipation, provides nourishment to the Intestines and removes the intestinal worms, reduces the problem of Hemorrhoids and alleviates the Urinary Disorders, efficient for the treatment of Cervical Cancer.

Clinical Indications for Azadirachta Indica

  • It is useful in complaints, especially of the eyes, digestive derangement, and skin affections are the seat of action of this medicine.
  • Glowing heat and burning, especially in face, eyes, palms of hands and soles of feet in open air.
  • Breathing deep and at long intervals
  • It acts as a blood purifier.

Uses Of Azadirachta Indica:

It has been used from the ancient times to treat many skin problems. It has a soothing effect on irritating skin. Weather it is a Cut, Wound or Acne. It acts as a nutritive tonic to the Skin and treats Eczema, Dandruff, Rashes and Ringworm.

It is used as face pack to cure Pimples, redness and Scars. It tones the skin and provides nourishment from inside.It detoxifies the body and act as a blood purifier.

It induces the blood flow and prevents the blood clots. Hence, Neem is a good herbal remedy for Cardiac Problems.

The antibacterial and anti fungal properties help in reducing the risk of infections. It kills micro organisms and make a protective shield for the body. Increase the immunity of your body.

It provides a good care for Hair. It is used for grey hair and dandruff. To get rid of hair lice and hair fall, Azadirachta Indica is a good herbal treatment.

Apart from all local applications it tones the internal health too. It enhances the immune system and increases the well being of a body. It increases the ability of a body to fight for infections.It is recommended to bath from Azadirachta Indica leaves. This helps in killing germs and cleanse the body.

It has been proved good for dental care. In ancient times its twigs were famous to clean teeth. They make the gums strong and prevent from cavity. It has a bitter taste but the infusion helps in healing mouth ulcers.

The oil is used as a balm for joint pain. It reduces the inflammation in Arthritis, Gout and Osteoarthritis. People with chicken pox are recommended to sleep on Neem leaves. It is helpful in preventing malaria too.

Azadirachta Patient profile

Mind and Head

Depressed and forgetful, uneasiness, desire to lie down.

Throbbing headache, worse right side, with much pain in right eyeball, worse in open air.

The scalp is painful, hair fall, sensitive to touch indicates Azadirachta Indica.

Eyes, ear, nose

Burning in eyes and coryza is an indication for this remedy.

Crackling sound in the ear like tickling with a feather, worse on opening the mouth.

Mouth and Throat

Sensation as if scalded on side and surface of tongue.

Stomach and abdomen

Craving for sweets, thirst at long intervals.

Stool and Anus

Insufficient, constipated, hard, small, and knotty stool.


Azadirachta Indica is useful in complaints of Joint pains, swelling around joints.


Much itching of body, burning and prickling.

Eczema, Rashes, Ringworm complaints are relieved with Azadirachta Indica.

Pimples redness and scars are removed with this medicine.


Worse in open air, in afternoon is an indication for this remedy.

Sputa white, in small lumps, expelled with difficulty.

Glowing heat and burning, especially in face, eyes, palms of hands and soles of feet in open air.


Dosage and rules while taking Azadirachta Indica

Take 10 drops in half cup of water three times a day.

Side Effects, Risk Factors, and Cautions ofAzadirachta Indica: Diabetic Patients must monitor blood sugar level carefully as it may lower blood sugar levels. Consult doctor before use. Neem oil may lead to infant death. Avoid use if you have had an organ transplant. It may cause stomach irritation. Avoid in case of pregnancy. As it acts as a Contraceptive, do not consume if you are pregnant or planning for family.

Presentation: 20 ml, 30 ml, 100 ml

Azadirachta Indica Homeopathy Mother Tincture is available in SBL, Schwabe, Others (Homeomart, Hahnemann, Similia, Medisynth). When you choose 'Others' one of the 3 brands medicine will be sent subject to availability of these brands. All sealed units.

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