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Holistic Pregnancy Support with BBP Parturin B Homeopathic Tablets

Rs. 165.00 Rs. 149.00

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Bangalore, Metro cities: 1-3 business days, South India: 4-5 business days, North India: 5-7 business days, North east: 5-12 business days

Outside India: 5-10 business days

Size: 25g

Support your pregnancy journey with BBP Parturin B, a holistic homeopathic remedy combining Calcarea Phosphorica, Calcarea Fluorica, Magnesium Phosphoricum, Ferrum Phosphoricum, and Kali Phosphorica. Experience natural, safe, and comprehensive care for a healthy pregnancy and the well-being of both mother and baby.

Comprehensive Pregnancy Care with BBP Parturin B

Indication: Parturin B is specifically formulated to provide comprehensive support throughout the entire period of pregnancy. It is indicated for:

  • Supporting healthy fetal development, particularly in bone and tissue growth.
  • Enhancing the elasticity and strength of connective tissues to aid in labor and delivery.
  • Relieving muscle cramps, spasms, and general discomforts associated with pregnancy.
  • Boosting iron levels to combat fatigue and anemia.
  • Promoting mental clarity, emotional well-being, and reducing stress and anxiety.

Ingredients and Benefits of BBP Parturin:

  1. Calcarea Phosphorica 6X (Calcium Phosphate):

    • Bone Development: Essential for the proper development of bones and teeth in the fetus. It helps in the formation and repair of bone tissue.
    • Growth Support: Promotes overall growth and development, ensuring the baby receives adequate nutrition for healthy growth.
    • Nervous System Support: Assists in the development of a healthy nervous system.
  2. Calcarea Fluorica 6X (Calcium Fluoride):

    • Tissue Strength: Strengthens connective tissues, including bones, teeth, and blood vessels. This can help in preventing varicose veins and hemorrhoids.
    • Elasticity: Enhances the elasticity of tissues, which is particularly beneficial during labor and delivery to prevent tearing.
    • Skin Health: Supports skin health and prevents stretch marks by improving the elasticity of the skin.
  3. Magnesium Phosphoricum 6X (Magnesium Phosphate):

    • Muscle Relaxation: Acts as a muscle relaxant and can help in relieving muscle cramps and spasms commonly experienced during pregnancy.
    • Nerve Function: Supports the proper functioning of nerves, reducing stress and anxiety levels.
    • Pain Relief: Helps alleviate pain, including backaches and headaches, ensuring a more comfortable pregnancy.
  4. Ferrum Phosphoricum 6X (Iron Phosphate):

    • Oxygenation: Plays a crucial role in the production of hemoglobin, ensuring efficient oxygen transport to both mother and baby.
    • Energy Levels: Helps combat fatigue and anemia, common issues during pregnancy, by maintaining healthy iron levels.
    • Immune Support: Enhances the immune system, protecting both mother and baby from infections.
  5. Kali Phosphorica 5X (Potassium Phosphate):

    • Mental Clarity: Supports mental clarity and emotional well-being, helping to manage stress, anxiety, and mood swings.
    • Nerve Health: Promotes the health of the nervous system, ensuring optimal functioning during pregnancy.
    • Fatigue Reduction: Reduces mental and physical fatigue, helping the mother maintain energy levels throughout the pregnancy.

Additional Information:

- Dosage: The recommended dosage is 4 tablets 3 to 4 times a day or as prescribed by a physician. Can be taken the entire period of preganacy

- Manufacturer: Produced by Bangalore Bio-Plasgens.

-Form: Available in tablet form.

BBP Parturin B homeopathic tablets offer holistic pregnancy care with ingredients like Calcarea Phosphorica, Calcarea Fluorica, Magnesium Phosphoricum, Ferrum Phosphoricum, and Kali Phosphorica. Support your pregnancy journey with natural, safe, and effective ingredients.

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