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Aesculus Hippocastanum Homoeopathy Dilution 6C, 30C, 200C, 1M, 10M,50M,CM/LM

Rs. 100.00 Rs. 90.00

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Bangalore, Metro cities: 1-3 business days, South India: 4-5 business days, North India: 5-7 business days, North east: 5-12 business days

Outside India: 5-10 business days

About Aesculus Hippocastanum Homoeopathic Dilution

Aesculus Hippocastanum Dilution is an effective remedy for the treatment of varicose veins, haemorrhoids and swollen veins. Aesculus Hippocastanum promotes thinning of blood and reduces swelling of the veins. It is also used to treat eczema, menstrual pain and tissue swelling from the bone fracture or any injury. Based on homoeopathic composition, it is safe to use and has no side effects.

The action of this drug is most marked on the lower bowel, producing engorged hemorrhoidal veins, with characteristic backache, with the absence of actual constipation. Much pain but little bleeding. Venous stasis general, varicose veins of purple color; everything is slowed down, digestion, heart, bowels, etc. Torpor and congestion of the liver and portal system, with constipation. The back aches and gives out and unfits the patient for business. Flying pains all over. Fullness in various parts, dry, swollen mucous membranes. Throat with hemorrhoidal conditions.

The main sphere of action of this drug is on lower parts of the intestines, producing engorged veins with backache, especially in the lumbar region. Sluggishness is the most characteristic feature of this remedy with venous stasis general, weak digestion, slow heart, sluggish bowel movements, etc. Portal congestion with constipation.

What doctors recommend Aesculus Hippocastanum for?

Dr Vikas sharma says Aesculus is an excellent medicine to manage rectal pain in case of piles. It is used when the piles pain is burning, stinging, cutting type. The pain is present all the time while standing, sitting or lying with feeling of fullness. Stools are knotty, dry and hard. This medicine is used to treat external, blind and bleeding piles

  • Aesculus to manage Pain in Lumbo-Sacral Region and Hips in back injury. Stiffness and intense pain is felt in this region while standing or walking
  • Best remedy for Leucorrhea patients with lameness in back accompanied by a thick, dark yellow vaginal discharge. TheLeucorrhea condition gets worse after menses.
  • Aesculus is a top listed medicine for treating sacroiliitis (inflammation of the sacroiliac joint). In cases needing Aesculus, there is an intense pain in the hip which may radiate to thigh. pain in the hip joint that is worse from walking or stooping with Soreness and lameness
  • It is also indicated in stiff back, helps manage pain in the curvature of the spine

Materia Medica Information:

  • Aesculus hippocastanum is known to have a specific affinity for the venous system.
  • Symptoms indicating its use include a sense of fullness and heaviness in various parts of the body, especially the legs and rectum.
  • The pains are often dull, aching, and may be accompanied by a sensation of burning or bursting.
  • Patients may complain of throbbing or sharp shooting pains in affected areas.
  • Symptoms tend to worsen from standing for prolonged periods and may improve with rest and elevation.

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Aesculus Hippocastanum patient profile

Head: Irritability of the mind with depression. Pressure in the forehead, with nausea and stitches in the liver region. Pain from occiput to frontal region, with bruised feeling of the scalp which is worse in the morning. Sensation of fainting when sitting and walking.

Eyes: Heaviness and soreness of the eyeballs with enlarged blood vessels.

Nose: Dryness of the nose. Air feels cold with sensitive nasal passages, running nose and sneezing with pressure at root of nose. Blockage of nose from inflammation of the turbinates.

Mouth: Hot and scalded feeling with metallic taste and increased salivation. Tongue thick and coated, feels as if scalded.

Throat: Dryness of throat with heat and raw sensation with stitching pains extending into the ears when swallowing. Inflammation of pharynx from hepatic congestion. Varicose veins of the pharynx. Throat feels excoriated and constricted and burns like fire on swallowing. Hawking up of ropy mucus with sweetish taste.

Stomach: Heaviness of stomach with gnawing and aching pain about three hours after meals. Tenderness and fullness in region of liver.

Abdomen: Dull aching in liver region and epigastrium with pain at the umbilicus.

Rectum: Dryness of rectum with sensation of small sticks. Anus feels raw and sore with pain and prolapse after stool. Haemorrhoids, with sharp shooting pains up the back, blind piles with bleeding especially during menopause. Mucous membrane of the rectum seems swollen and obstructs the passage with large, dry and hard stools. Irritation of mucous membrane from infestation of round worms. Burning in anus with chills up and down the back.


Chest: Constriction of chest with fullness and heaviness of heart and pulsations all over the body. Inflammation of larynx with cough, hot feeling in chest and pain around the heart.

Extremities: Pain and soreness in limbs, in left shoulder with shooting pain down the arms and numbness of finger tips.

Back: Pain in the neck and between shoulder blades. Spine feels weak with weakness of legs. Pain in the sacrum and hips, worse from walking and stooping. Soles, hand and feet feels sore, tired, and swollen.

Fever: Fever with chills at 4 pm with coldness running up and down the back. Fever with hot and dry skin in the evening, with profuse sweats.

Modalities: Worse, in morning and from any motion, walking, from bowel movements, after eating, afternoon and standing. Better from cold, open air.

Recommended Dosage:

Please note that the dosage of single homoeopathic medicines varies from drug to drug depending upon the condition, age, sensitivity and other things. In some cases they are given as regular doses as 3-5 drops 2-3 times a day whereas in other cases they are given only once in a week, month or even in a longer period.

Side Effects:

In homeopathic dilutions, Aesculus hippocastanum is generally considered safe for use. However, as with any homeopathic remedy, some individuals may experience hypersensitivity reactions or aggravation of symptoms. It's important to consult with a qualified homeopathic practitioner before using this remedy, especially if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have any underlying health conditions.

As with all homeopathic remedies, it's crucial to follow the guidance of a trained homeopath for proper dosage and administration. Self-medication with homeopathic remedies, including Aesculus hippocastanum, should be avoided, particularly for chronic or serious conditions

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