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Rosa Canina Homeopathy Dilution 6C, 30C, 200C, 1M, 10M

Rs. 100.00 Rs. 95.00

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Bangalore, Metro cities: 1-3 business days, South India: 4-5 business days, North India: 5-7 business days, North east: 5-12 business days

Outside India: 5-10 business days

About Rosa Canina Homeopathic Dilution 6C, 30C, 200C, 1M, 10M

Botanical Name:  Rosa Canina Linn

Family: Rosaceae

Common Names : English: Dog Rose. Hip Rose

Source of Tincture: Extracted from ripe fruits

Health Benefits and Indications

Bladder and Urinary Issues:

  • Effective for bladder-related conditions.
  • Alleviates urinary difficulties and burning sensations.
  • Helpful for painful or difficult urination (dysuria).

Digestive Health:

  • Provides relief from diarrhea and loose stools.

Nutritional Support:

  • Addresses deficiencies in vitamins, calcium, and iron.

Reproductive Health:

  • Enhances sexual health and libido through the use of its petals.

Additional Benefits:

  • Serves as a natural diuretic.
  • Relieves joint pain due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

Dr Gopi recommends: Homoeopathic Uses: Bladder Disorders. Dysuria.

Dr Kirti Vikram recommends: Cough Cold Pneumonia, Stomach Infection, Dysentery, Urine Infection

Other Indications as per Herbpathy: Rabies, Arthritis, Cancer, Dysuria

It has immunosuppressive effect that helps to improve the joint health by reducing pain and stiffness. Rose Hip extracts in Bakson Flexicare tablets

Action of Rosa Canina: Astringent, Antioxidant, Aphrodisiac, Blood purifier, Carminative, Diuretic, Opthalmic, Laxative

Nutritive values of Rosa Canina: Contains calcium, iron, phosphorus, vitamin c, ascorbic acid, beta carotine, Betuline

Side effects: excessive or overdose may cause irritation in mouth, disturbance in digestive system

Dosage and Administration

  • Recommended Dosage: 10 drops in half a cup of water, taken three times daily.
  • Guidance: Use under the supervision of a healthcare professional.

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