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Hapdco Helmisol drops for intestinal worms, threadworms, hookworms

Rs. 80.00

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Bangalore, Metro cities: 1-3 business days, South India: 4-5 business days, North India: 5-7 business days, North east: 5-12 business days

Outside India: 5-10 business days

Size Option: 30ml

Hapdco Homeopathic Helmisol Drop

Hapdco Helmisol Drops help in securing the person against hookworms, roundworms, whipworms, and tapeworms. This medication is very helpful for intestinal worms and ova of all kinds. It also helps strengthen the intestinal mucosa.

Know the leading homeopathic medicines for all kinds of worms (parasites) in the body

Key Benefits:

  • It is helpful for relieving the body complaints like bed wetting, teeth grinding at night, both of which is a result of having a worm infection
  • It is used as a remedy for worm symptoms, especially with constipation
  • It is used to help treat loose motion and indigestion
  • It is also used to help treat stomach pains accompanied by navel pain

Action of Ingredients used in Hapdco Helmisol Drops

  • Teucrium Marum: Copious fetid evacuations of the consistence of pap, expulsion of Ascarides.
  • Veronia Anthelmintica: Useful in relieving body complaints like bed wetting, teeth grinding at night reason being worm infection.
  • Cina: Gets hungry soon after a meal. Itching of anus, irritability of temper, variable appetite, grinding of teeth.   Gets hungry soon after a meal. Itching of anus, irritability of temper, variable appetite, grinding of teeth. 
  • Atista Radix: Stomach worms with complaints of flatulence with navel pains. Dr Gopi KS says Atista Radix Q is indicated both in amoebic and bacillary Dysentery . Dysentery appears in the autum. Profuse bleeding.Intense pain in the umbilical region. Flatulence and biliary colic. Dr Kirti Vikram additionally indicates for Giardia , dysentery , bacillary dysentery, worms in children and adults
  • Clerodendron: Pain in the abdomen, loose motions caused by worms.
  • Embellia Ribes: Loose motion, indigestion, and abdominal, stomach enlargement due to worm infection.
  • Thymol: Useful for hookworm infection.
  • Filix Mass: A remedy for worm symptoms, especially with constipation. Tapeworm. Worm colic
  • Swertia Chirata: Vomiting, associated with worm infection. The anathematic action of Kiratatikta helps in destroying the intestinal worms.

Directions of use of Hapdco Helmisol Drops

10 to 25 drops with little water 2 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.

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