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Bhargava Minims No 30 Wintin drops for Upper Respiratory Tract Infection

Rs. 166.00 Rs. 149.00

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Bhargava Minims No 30 Wintin drops for Upper Respiratory Tract Infection

Homeopathic liquid oral drops for upper respiratory tract infection. Bhargava No 30 Wintin drops is used for Cough and cold; Catarrhal affection of the upper respiratory tract; Hoarseness; Raw feeling at fauces and throat.

 Bhargava No 30 Wintin dropsis a part of Minims offering from Bhargava Phytolab Pvt.Ltd.Minims are liquid oral drops prepared from a blend of highly effective plant extracts, potentised and formulated in the purest form of alcohol, E. N. A. Each minim comprises of a unique preparation to treat the ailments of the body.

Bhargava Minims No 30 Wintin drops Compositions:

  • Belladonna 4X,
  • Bryonia alba 3X,
  • Aconitum napellus 4X
  • Coccus cacti 2X,
  • Aspidosperma 3X,
  • Drosera rotundiflia 3X,
  • Ipecacuanha 4X
  • Spongia tosta 2X,
  • Sticta pulmonaria 1X

Bhargava Minims No 30 Wintin drops Indications:

Cough & cold Catarrhal affection of the upper respiratory tract Hoarseness & raw feeling at fauces & throat. Sneezing, watery discharge from nose.

DOSAGE: ADULTS: 10-15 Drops in half cup of luke-warm water thrice a day; CHILDREN: Half the adult dose, or as directed by the physician.

30 ml.

Dosage 10-15 drops of Bhargava No 30 Wintin drops in half cup water thrice a day or as directed by the physician.
Symptoms Flu, Cold, Bronchitis Asthma, Cough, Bronchial Infections, Nasal Congestion,
Manufacturer Bhargava Phytolab Pvt.Ltd
Form Drops


संकेतः सर्दी-खाँसी। ऊपरी श्वसन नली पर प्रतिश्यायी प्रभाव। गला बैठना कंठ और गले में खराश का एहसास। छींके तथा नाक से पान जाना।
खुराक- वयस्कों के लिए प्रतिदिन ३ बार आधा कप गुनगुने पानी में १०-१५ बूँदें, - बच्चों के लिए - वयस्कों के खुराक का आधा, या चिकित्सक के दिशानिर्देशानुसार इस्तेमाल करना चाहिए।
पैकिंग- ३० मिली।



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