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homeopathy Similia Gaultheria Oil for rheumatism, neuralgia, sciatica
Fourrts Rubor Oral homeopathy Drops for Muscular Pain Rheumatism and Arthritis
Dr.Reckeweg Biochemic Combination Tablets BC 19 for Rheumatism
Allen Hymusa Syrup for Rheumatism, Gout, Arthritis, Sciatica and Neuralgia
Dr Raj Arthro Gold Massage Oil for Rheumatism, Sciatica, Spondylitis
Schwabe German Bryorheum Drops for Rheumatism, Swelling & Joint Pain
Reckeweg R30 Universal Ointment for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Sprains, Boils, Sciatica
homeopathy Reckeweg R46 drops for rheumatism of fore arms and hands
Adel 39 apo Sciatica drops for Sciatica, Low back pain & Soft Tissue Rheumatism
Homeopathy Adel 4 apo-RHEUM drops for arthritis treatment, including osteoarthritis, muscla and joint pains
Schwabe Biocombination 19 (BC19) tablets for Rheumatism, Joint Pain of Legs/Arms, Sciatica, Lumbago
top homeopathy medicines for Rheumatoid Arthritis
Allen A28 Rheumatism homeopathy Drops for Rheumatic Ailments
Dr.Reckeweg R11 homeopathy  Rheuma drops for Lumbago, Sprain, Muscle & Bone Pain, Sciatica, Spondylosis
frozen shoulder treatment homeopathy medicines
Gnaphalium Pentarkan Ptk 49, lumbar sciatica, sciatic nerve pain
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Haslab Homeopathy HC-23 Rhus Tox, Bryonia, Terebinthinea Complex Tablet
Drox 2 Arthiron homeopathy Drops for Arthritis
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BHP Arni Rhus Liniment for Aches, Pains, Sprains & Swelling
Allen Relax Pain Killer Oil
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