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সেন্ট জর্জ চিরতা (জেন্টিয়ানা চিরাটা) মাদার টিংচার

Rs. 190.00 Rs. 180.00

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আকার: 30 মিলি

Chirata (Gentiana Chirata)

Source: Chirata, botanically known as Gentiana Chirata, is a plant native to the temperate Himalayas, ranging from Kashmir to Bhutan and found at altitudes of 1,200 to 3,000 meters. This herb has been widely used in traditional medicine systems, particularly in Ayurveda and Unani medicine, for its numerous health benefits.

Also Known As: Chirata is commonly referred to by various names, including:

  • Swertia Chirata
  • Kirata Tikta (in Ayurveda)
  • Indian Gentian
  • Chiretta

Drug Action: Chirata is renowned for its bitter properties, which are primarily attributed to its active constituents such as xanthones, iridoid glycosides (e.g., swertiamarin), and flavonoids. These compounds contribute to its pharmacological actions, which include:

  • Antipyretic: Reduces fever.
  • Anti-inflammatory: Helps reduce inflammation.
  • Anthelmintic: Expels parasitic worms and other internal parasites.
  • Antioxidant: Prevents or delays cell damage.
  • Hepatoprotective: Protects the liver.
  • Stomachic: Promotes digestion and appetite.
  • Laxative: Relieves constipation.

Indications: Chirata is traditionally used for a variety of health conditions due to its wide range of therapeutic properties. Some of the primary indications include:

  • Fever and Malaria: Chirata is used to manage fever, including malaria, due to its antipyretic and antimicrobial properties.
  • Liver Disorders: It is beneficial in treating liver-related issues such as jaundice, hepatitis, and general liver dysfunction.
  • Digestive Issues: Chirata is effective in addressing digestive problems like dyspepsia, loss of appetite, and constipation.
  • Skin Diseases: Its anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties make it useful in treating skin conditions like acne, eczema, and rashes.
  • Respiratory Disorders: Chirata is used to manage respiratory issues such as bronchitis and asthma.

Materia Medica Information:

In homeopathic Materia Medica, Chirata is acknowledged for its effectiveness in managing several health conditions. The remedy is prepared from the dried whole plant, which is known for its intensely bitter taste.

  • Mind: It is used for mental irritability and restlessness, often observed in patients suffering from chronic illnesses.
  • Head: Chirata is indicated for headaches associated with digestive disturbances.
  • Gastrointestinal: It aids in treating anorexia, indigestion, and chronic constipation. The bitter tonic stimulates the digestive tract, enhances bile flow, and aids in detoxification.
  • Liver and Gallbladder: Beneficial for liver enlargement, hepatitis, and gallbladder issues.
  • Fever: It is particularly effective in intermittent fevers with profuse sweating, particularly in cases of malaria.

Chirata’s multifaceted actions make it a valuable herb in traditional and homeopathic medicine. Its bitter principles not only aid in detoxification and improving liver function but also enhance digestive health, making it a holistic remedy for various ailments. Its inclusion in the Materia Medica underlines its significance in homeopathy for treating fevers, liver dysfunctions, and digestive issues, thus providing a natural and effective therapeutic option.

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